27. Light attack

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"So they stayed hidden in their building? That's lucky."

"Not so much. When we went out, we didn't understand what we were supposed to do. It gave for a lot of scares." confesses San and Jungkook shrugs. It's better than the traumatic scene of corpses falling out of building windows or that Yagtalja eating part of Namjoon's arm.

Anyway, this group is a lot luckier than they are. San closes the backpack already huge and somewhat disfigured by so much he put in it.

"We were looking forward to the comeback we would do. We still have the whole composition of the music, the lyrics, even the photos that we took... That happen to you? That it bothers to see old photos, wanting to go back to that point?" asks San, looking for someone to understand that discomfort that causes him to have the evidence of what he was before and not look anything like what he is now.

Jungkook turns his head, where there is huge mural of them. He doesn't remember why, really. So many photo shoots, so many shots that weren't used. They are all together. Jimin between Taehyung and Jin, smiling to know why, but...

"Yes. I hate it." he admits quietly and dejectedly.

~ * * * ~

"I don't know why you decided to come with me, but being the only fool to come, you get this."

Yeosang almost falls backwards from the pile of papers Jin puts in his arms. He chose to stay with him because he knows he's going to call the shots and honestly, Yeosang doesn't feel like doing anything on his own. Yeosang staggers until he gets to him. Jin looks through the inhuman amount of books that are collected. This is a school after all.

"I don't know if we'll burn them, if we'll use them for the kids, whatever we do they should be out of here and stuffed into where the book storage will be" Jin says and Yeosang staggers further, the mountain in his arms still growing. "Or use them for fire. They are repeated. We can burn some shamelessly and- Let me help you stack it back up."

Yeosang gives a sigh, at least Jin didn't tease him for dropping them.

"Anything you want to comment on?" asks Jin suddenly and Yeosang drops his head to the side.

"We could use them for dogs that are too small to go out; also for them to play with." Jin laughs a little, dropping his head.

"I hadn't thought of that. Sounds good to me... And Tae takes care of that! I don't have to think about it myself. All of this needs to be sent to him."

Yeosang submissively follows Jin and his spiel about what to do with what they cross in front of them.

~ * * * ~

"There are so many little animals here," whines Wooyoung with three puppies in his arms. "How are we going to keep them all nice and alive? I'm worried about them now." admits melodramatically. Taehyung slowly passes the squashed peaches through the beaks of the half-feathered chicks. Yunho holds them carefully.

"We'll manage. At worst, at least no one's going to eat them."

"Sunbae don't say that!" he shrieks and Taehyung laughs square helplessly. Yunho shakes his head.

"He's like that." he states, embarrassed at how trusting and silly Wooyoung is being.

~ * * * ~

"He's normalizing quite a bit," Chaewoon announces. "From the looks of it now, I'd say he has a high chance of healing and being fine." states with a smile and Namjoon sighs in relief. He gives Hongjoong a fleeting glance. He looks better. It's a big expense of serum, but he has faith that they'll find more.

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