19. Resource collection

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"Did they help you with the chicks yet?" asks Yoongi as soon as he sees Jungkook arrive.

"Yep. We had to give them canned peaches. It's the only fruit we have. Maybe they won't die." He shrugs uneasily. Yoongi nods and straightens up.

"Taking care of birds is more complicated," he mutters thoughtfully. "Anyway, I found that in the recording room there were these audio isolators" he counters showing it on the floor and Jungkook circles his mouth. "It's just a matter of sticking them to the walls."

"Why didn't you stay over there? It's more useful and less work than taking it all apart- I'll put it up."

Yoongi's look was a clear don't ask and do as you're told. Yoongi helps him, obviously. Putting the audio isolators on the walls makes it look a little more like what he's used to. The only reason he prefers it here rather than in that room is because that one might be problematic to get to.

If there's an emergency and the others want to get to him, it's easier in this location than the other.

"Tomorrow we'll go out for supplies and mark locations" Yoongi informs as they assemble the insulators and Jungkook smiles wrinkling his nose. "We'll go together first. Then, once we know where everything is, we'll go by car and with a more specific search." clarifies the older man.

"Then tomorrow it's reconnaissance and whatever fits in a backpack."


"Great." he states with a grin. He works out pretty well.

"Namjoon and Jin are going to put together a list of things we need and... Ohmmm..." he scratches behind his ear and yawns. "Maybe, hopefully, we'll get a truck and gas. Then it'll be easier to haul everything."

"I just want a coat and new boots."

The regular ones are too worn out. He wears them when he's with the others so they don't ask about the others, which slow him down and weigh so much.

"From so much use you wore them out, what did you expect?"

"That they would last as long as this shitty apocalypse."

Yoongi laughs through his nose.

~ * * * ~

Yoongi finishes putting on the finishing touches, feeling enormously satisfied that he has succeeded. It's not the same, not at all, but it makes him feel more comfortable and less uneasy to have this space so much like his studio. When he goes out, he'll take the time to look for items that might make good decorations. That way he will be even calmer.

Yoongi scratches the back of his head and shakes out his black hair. Cut it a bit today, he pulls it back around his shoulders. Just enough to be pleased with the style. He's never waved and curled it as much as he does now. He thinks that when they are evacuated and he has a way to keep it clean, he will have it this long to enjoy his image.

One he hates with a fury these days.

Yoongi hates looking miserable.

Hates to look desperate.

Hates to look depressed.

He hates looking like a starving man.

His cheeks are thin now...

Yoongi wants to get back to his weight, his looks, his life. However, he knows it is impossible and only helps to make his reflection much worse.

Yoongi lies down on the couch and takes a deep breath, closing his eyes. It's late enough, everyone must be getting ready for bed if they're not already asleep. Jungkook is not. He has to go check to make sure he doesn't escape. The idiot was determined to go out today. He doesn't know what he's excited about... food for himself maybe? A magic plane that flies itself and takes him to Gimpo? Whatever it is, he must keep an eye on Jungkook as he planned to do and as Namjoon asked him to do.

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