32. Frustrations

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"Twice is in there, all of them?"

"From what we understood from Jihyo, yes," Jin replies and rests his hands on the table. "From what we can surmise, there is a constant of exploitation in there. Namely, in what scope, I don't doubt it's the worst" Jin counters. Jungkook sways in the chair without saying anything. Considering that maybe if they do so right away the matter will lose seriousness and create him his usual tantrum. "The only problem there is that there are too many people."

"Because of the location, it's that group we couldn't find and Yeou told us that he has over a hundred and fifty people. In numbers we are equal, but in reality, almost forty of ours are children, another twenty teenagers who don't know how to fight; four pregnant, two about to give birth..." Yoongi leaves it up in the air. They will have a high number, but not in fighters. Unlike other groups, picking up all those who are "dead weight" is what they have done the most.

"And it's the same group that already tackled us."


Namjoon runs his hand over his face, thinking of a thousand and one possibilities. Each one worse than the last. It's not even about acting, it's about the fact that they don't have how to act. The idea is to win, not to go die. Which is probably what Jungkook is thinking. As if it's prize or award.

"Yeou will come these days. We can buy weapons from him" Jungkook proposes in a low voice. "Maybe he'll have something to win with and-"

"We're not going in like we're Rambo or a Michael Bay movie" Namjoon warns, interrupting him. "We have to think about it more carefully? Maybe try to negotiate to get them to give them to us." he mutters, frowning.

"Are you crazy, that's not going to work!"

"And you think they will? Give us nine women who are perfectly usable?" retorts Taehyung incredulous that Namjoon would actually think of such a thing.

"Because if we have them, we can know what it's like inside. We should take it one step at a time, not jump in." replies Namjoon and Jungkook shakes his head. It makes sense, but they don't have time or the possibility of something like that. It's most likely a waste of time to try or they'll get a single one because they have to be 'paid' well.

"We can use Yeou as a go-between" Hoseok proposes. "We don't reveal ourselves, but we find out a little more."

"He's not going to agree to something like that. It would get him in trouble" Jin grumbles crossing his arms. "We have to do something. That's all I'm saying about it."

"We have to do it without shooting ourselves in the foot."

Jungkook leaves in a bad mood. He doesn't want to hear any more of this conversation. Taehyung pushes his hair away from his face and looks towards the four seniors.

"Can you promise me that we will try to do something this time, instead of hiding?" asks Taehyung. None of them answer him and he too leaves in a bad mood.

~ * * * ~

"Is something wrong?"

"How good are you at keeping a secret?"

Mingi hears everything going on and his expression is one of surprise, followed by anger. He doesn't know them personally, but if he knows that there are friends of hers locked up in such bad conditions, he wouldn't stand for it. His closest example and hand is to think of the ONEUS guys in a bad situation.

He would want to act. Not blaming them for wanting to act, but feeling frustrated at the shortcomings to do so.

"Considering they found us and now we're here, miracles do exist," opines Mingi. "Why not try? I would help them. I'm sure San, Jongho and even Hongjoong would also agree to help in some way-"

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