14. Depressing return

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"Aju-ssi Are we getting there yet?"

"Yes. We are very, very close to the train. We'll be able to play once we're there." replies Jin looking steadily up at the sky. The clouds are considerably less thick than usual and it's not snowing. He is confident that they will be able to get to the train today.

There are three children who have not stopped talking and it is quite useful. So Jin doesn't get distracted by useless and pessimistic thoughts. Not to call them self-destructive for his current weak mental capacity. Boom and Chaewoon haven't said a word all this time.

Jin knows that he is being carefully supervised by those two. They are waiting for him to make a mistake to run away. He does not know how he can be considered like that, but what he does know is that he must remain as proud and responsible as possible and that they will not disappear. Near sunset he sees the train in the distance. A huge grin breaks out on his face and the awe fades him, braking sharply for a freighter he almost collides with.

"Stay here." Jin orders the children hiding in the seats. He opens the door and climbs down, holding the pistol with barely any bullets in the cartridge.

Before he says anything, the driver jumps out of the car, being Yoongi who has his hair tied up with a small hair tie. The producer does not resist the smile and Jin gives a sigh of relief. He advances towards him and hugs him, moving from side to side.

"I didn't think you'd really be back in two weeks" Yoongi admits with an uncontained smile. "Why the truck?" he asks pointing to the bus. He doesn't consider it the best mode of transportation. Not even as an alternative. Too big, too much noise. Better a regular car traveling alone. They don't merit as much space.

"Well... I'm more loaded than I expected... Hey! He's a friend of mine! Say hello to your Hyung!" says Jin swinging his arms. Yoongi half-opens his lips and his eyes are wide, transfixed from the children peering out of the window, smiling and waving his arm.

"Yes... well... I'm glad for the decision I made." Yoongi concludes, waving. Jin furrows his eyebrows.

"What decision?"

~ * * * ~


Hoseok came within inches of knocking Jin out of air and off part of his stomach. He squeezed him so hard that he could have easily killed him. The dancer gives him a resounding kiss on the cheek. Jungkook is next to almost choke him along with Taehyung. Despite the obvious excitement, it's impossible for him not to notice that it's not only joy, also a huge relief that he's okay and back.

"OMG, WE'VE GOT MORE PUPPIES!" exclaims Hoseok with his hands on his cheeks, noticing the children boarding the train, excited and chattering about it.

"Y-yeah well... I had some problems" Jin euphemizes and looks around. "What about Namjoon?"

"He hasn't gotten better, but he hasn't gotten worse either. Jiana is supervising him now. We've been doing some extra stuff waiting for you" Yoongi reports folding his arms and leaning back from a tube. "I guess we'll be able to find out what he's got now."

Jungkook and Taehyung peek out, being that Boom and Chaewon are there, impressed that indeed, everything Jin said so far is a reality. The train, the people, the food; above all, the sick companion. Namjoon cannot breathe on his own and Jiana is the one who keeps a small resuscitation pump.

"We found it in a pharmacy on the other side of here. Yoongi let us go." accuses Jungkook and Jin shakes his hand. They needed it anyway, so it's not bad to die for either. He doesn't see that they did foolish things either.

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