35. A good work

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"Don't you want me to get you something to eat?"

Namjoon shakes his head, stroking Jungkook's back who is asleep. The boy didn't let anyone treat him much more than bandaging him up and hasn't moved from Namjoon's lap in almost four hours; he tried to get them to stay in the infirmary, but Jungkook wanted his room. Obviously the older is not going to push him away, let alone leave him alone. Hoseok sits off to the side. The darkness is absolute at this point and the room has a very cold air about it. Hoseok licks his lips and dares to speak, feeling like he shouldn't.

"Maybe if we stop him from going out again, it won't happen again. We can send other people to other places. There's no reason-"

"Hoseok Didn't you learn from what you did with Junghwa?" interrupts Namjoon without giving him time to try to develop the idea. "Threats like that are not allowed to continue" He makes small circles on Jungkook's back. "Threats like that must be eliminated so they don't do harm again." he muses so simply that anyone would think he's talking about an insect, an annoying bug that it would make no difference whether it disappears or not.


"I don't know why I really stay in here all the time," Namjoon admits quietly and leans back from Jungkook, his cheek on the head of uneven, dark hair. "Because it scares me out there or because I know that outside, I'll be what I need to be so he doesn't get hurt again? I think that idea terrifies me, but not so much that he crying like that again."

Hoseok opens and closes his mouth before shaking his head.

"We need you here."

"I know."

"Without you we won't know what to do. Jin can do it, but not as easily as you can. You need to focus here and then outside."

"I'm trying," Namjoon confesses, "but there are too many voices outside asking for me."

The dancer nods. He knows what he is referring to and at the same time, it causes him a lot of fear. Namjoon cannot leave this place. Not if they intend for him to be his usual self. However, they don't need that now. They need one more monster and the only one with the ability to embrace that role with pride and strength is Namjoon. Twice are still out there, waiting for the help they urgently need, demonstrated in ONEUS that they are half sedated and even in the infirmary. Who knows how many more need help and they are acquaintances, they are friends.

They are loved ones they didn't think they would love so much until now, they may be all that's left. They don't know these girls very well. They were never the type to have hundreds of friends and never the type to mingle. Their friendships were male for the most part. Still, to deny that there is that companionship for the old days, interactions and so on is misguided.

Namjoon wants to take it

To hold on with all his might to how much there is of the old world. Even if he gets blood on his hands in the process. Therein lies being the eternal protector of Jungkook, his favorite little boy whom he hates to see bad. Ironically, even within these walls, he is becoming the monster he has been avoiding being.

~ * * * ~

"It must be watched so that it doesn't overheat, but with feeding it once every two hours with a reasonable amount, it will remain functional."

"And you're sure there's no problem with the water or plumbing."

"As far as I'm concerned, all good. Together with Hyuk-nim we checked each other's part and everything seemed fine."

Namjoon nods and turns on the boiler that was installed. It cost a lot, especially getting the boiler itself. It was one of the orders to Yeou and he delivered on time. The cold is too much of a problem. Children and adults get sick, soon they will have some babies. Namjoon prioritized this before any arrangement. Having concluded with the double walls for the first floor.

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