38. Infection running free

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Namjoon tosses his hair. He hates it when when he rests, it's more like falling down in a faint. He wakes up very groggy. Jin enters the room, Namjoon doesn't suppress his snort as soon as he sees him; Yoongi left a couple of minutes ago, wanting something to eat. Jin approaches, hands behind his back and the tension between them being unbearable.

"I'm not going to let you do what you want. Not like this" Jin warns and Namjoon, quick as a bullet, was ready to argue. Jin doesn't let him. "I'll get more people. Let them know how to fight and let's not go so bad."


"Leaving you alone is leaving you to die and I refuse to allow it" Jin muses quietly. "Maybe getting others to kill will keep you from bathing in blood and don't stop you from being Namjoon."

Namjoon squeaks and shakes his head. Jin keeps harping on that topic, but the important thing is that he's going to get help. He assumes he knows what he will do. "Where will you go?" Jin shakes his head. He doesn't have to know.

~ * * * ~

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Good or bad, we don't have much of a choice but this."

They stop the truck and Jin is the first to get out. He does so with his hands in the air and the snipers on site come into view. It takes a few minutes for the gate to open and for many people to crowd in. Not surprisingly, most are dressed in reform school uniforms. Some are neatly dressed, some personalized, and others in what appears to be civilian clothes mixed in. While some look very, very young, others, mainly the one at the front, look older. Maybe twenty-two years old.

"And who are you? "he asks surly.

"Kim Seok-Jin" There is a small murmur, mentioning that he is from BTS. "I come from a community in Chuncheon. A little far from here" he announces crossly. "We came to offer you to join us."

They look at each other and mutter about it. Surprised at the sudden offer. Jungkook drums his fingers on his thigh nervously. Jin asked him not to intervene until he gives him a signal, but it makes him uneasy that they might harm him by taking advantage of him being unprotected. At the same time, his posture and voice is one full of confidence, of leadership. Fighting with the opposite who has a more childish and tantrum-like impression than a leader.

"Join a community? Do you think we need it?" scoffs the young man dismissing the offer.

"You need it. Sooner or later they will come for you" states Jin. "For a while I was in a group that targeted them. If I didn't finish them off, they would have finished you off to take this place."

The very assertion that they could have attacked them causes unease.

"This place is perfect," Jin looks around. "Big, high, sturdy walls; prison guards' weapons, cells that can take care of any eventuality. You have a perfect place that no one will hesitate to take either by killing you and turning you into slaves" The leader grits his teeth. Very conscious Jin speaks the truth. That is why they are here and why there are so many guards around. "You have a chance to save yourselves if you come with me."

"For you to use us you." he sneers with a cynical smile.

"To use each other. I give you a place to live and what to eat in exchange for you fighting for us." The Idol specifies and the leader shakes his head before facing him again.

"If you don't get out, I'll turn you into a cheedar cheese" he threatens. "We don't need anyone. Get lost."

Jin moves his jaw, pulls out a pistol and fires into the sky. Jungkook stops the others from getting out of the car. That's not the signal. Not yet. Jin lowers his arm.

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