12. Lack of pulse

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To say Jin is stunned is an understatement. When they said they were going to conquer, they took it too seriously. Jin has an easy time blending in with the people he accompanies, discreetly pulling every child he comes across on his way and in the end, communing with twelve in the same room. Each one of them crying and collaborating in the scandal.

Jin feels his heart clench, with the tallest and oldest of them pushing them back, struggling not to break into uproarious, anguished weeping. Jin startles them by firing a blast into the ground, knocking the wood away. The confusion over their actions is enormous.

"You are going to come down the mountain, get to the city and hide in the building that has two cars in the driveway. you will be safe there. i will come in a few days for you. are you understanding me?" the girl nods hurriedly. "Take care of each other, don't cry and don't make noise." orders making them get down roughly.

Jin can deceive with his attitude, with his words; hurt himself in order to prove his immunity or get some benefit. However, he will never kill children. It escapes from his line of possible actions. Even if he looks useless for not pulling the trigger, his conscience will be clearer than the Antarctic Ocean.

As they all escaped through the hole, he thought about looking for more children. There were certainly too many outside when they arrived and the screeching he still hears, accompanied by the gunfire, promises there will be more.

He fires a burst by accident and gasps, backing up a step. There are three corpses in front of him and with the situation being really opportune, Jinshoots at the heads of all of them. Whether they are immune or not, they will die and Hyejun along with his team arrive to see that. The woman smiles in satisfaction.

"Someone really has a strong survival instinct and need for a group huh?" taunts Hyejun and Jin bites his lips without stopping.

"It looked like he wanted to run away."

"In the end he managed to lure them to him."

"His goofy attitude serves in his favor. How ironic."

Jin feels itchy and as if the gun in his hands burns. They were too clumsy shots. Not a single one was because he wanted it. Jin takes a deep breath and smiles awkwardly towards Hyejun who gives him a couple of punches on his arm.

~ * * * ~

"So, new move. Not even in my better days did I move this much."

"I guess this is awkward" Jin replies with an awkward smile. Chaewoon shrugs. it's amazing the discouragement the two doctors have on top of each other. "Although if they could... Where would they go? I don't think there's much else to go to and being alone is the worst." Jin says discreetly and watching for the reaction of the opposites.

"I'd go with a group that actually cares about staying alive instead of seeking conflict for the sake of it. This group can go fuck itself." replies Chaewoon with such haste that Jin leans back, intimidated by the older lady. His frightened face makes - laugh.

"You can't ask her about that. She's too passionate." he communicates and Jin nods in agreement.

"If Hyejun is doing this to keep an eye on me with her new dog, I'm not interested. She knows damn well I'd throw her off a cliff if I could." Chaewoon continues to grumble and Jin bites his lips. Ummm, this is an inconvenience he didn't see coming.

~ * * * ~

"If you don't want me to kill you, you'll have to fight until I say so."

Jin stays behind most people, not wanting to see kids fighting each other to the point of drawing blood. So desperate, they don't know what to do besides obey. Scratching each other, breaking fingers, noses; even gouging out eyes. Even as wild as they become, Jin cannot see them as animals unlike the people in this community.

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