28. Amplification plans

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"What is Jin-Sunbae thinking about so much?" asks Yeosang organizing the tidal wave of papers that suddenly arrived.

Jin exhales melting in his seat. Many new people have arrived. Yeou has spread the word so that without fail one or two arrive. Men, women, teenagers. Most shocking were two children. One seven and one five years old. All alone and asking if they would "adopt" them, coming from an orphanage.

Namjoon came up with the idea to take advantage of so much paper in this place. A small test of attitude and clear urgency for everyone to have what to do. Workers, hairdressers, librarians, social workers, students. In short, what hasn't made it this far and what has Jin noticed in all this time? They have almost no one to defend themselves.

The paranoia of that group that stole Jungkook and the appearance of another Hyejun scares Jin. He knows they will eventually come. It's almost impossible that they won't. When that time comes, they will have no way to defend themselves and it urges them.

The only upside is that Namjoon finally has someone to experiment with his thousand and one plans of installing artifacts, putting up walls and all.

"Too many people."

"The more people there are, the more strength," Yeosang opines sheepishly. "Besides... They've all turned out to be good. Most of them."

"If you said that just to remind me that we still have to deal with him, it worked out pretty well for you."

Yeosang chuckles discreetly and Jin looks out the window. Incognito and unnoticed by anyone, a guy who was a serial killer entered the place. He didn't do anything and behaved quite well. They discovered him purely by accident when doing the new list count. They got a solid one hundred and fifty-seven people on this roof.

It could have been fifty-eight but for the guy's background. He swore and cried that it was a misunderstanding. That he never actually murdered anyone. None of the six believed him, even giving the benefit of the doubt. Searching national records thanks to a generator, they found a lot of information about his way of acting: pretending to be harmless, blending in with the crowd and attacking by hanging at night. Mainly small children.

They were not going to take the risk.

They wouldn't even try.

So they keep him imprisoned in a cleaning supplies warehouse.

Eventually take him away in the hope that he won't come back.... Or who knows what they'll actually do.

~ * * * ~

"I want it to be a double layer."

"That would involve sound insulation."

"That's the point."

"We can do that, although we need materials for the second layer."

"Start with that and I'll ask to bring what you need" Namjoon concludes to the group of workers gathered around him, looking over the plans on the table. He turns to the right, noticing a soft movement. "Oh, hey are you okay? You could have asked to be brought in. You didn't need to walk."

"I'm... fine... kind of numb. I wanted to walk."

Namjoon nods and hands the plans to the one who will take charge of building what he asked for. With his arms crossed he approaches Hongjoong. He slimmed down a lot more in the time he had slept. His coma extended a few days, fortunately it wasn't serious and he woke up two days ago. I'd say his group almost put him back into the coma from how tightly they hugged him. Hongjoong looks around, still dazed.

"This looks like a lie," he admits quietly. "It's so calm and normal that it looks fake." emphasizes Hongjoong looking at Namjoon with a nervous gesture.

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