8. Illness

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"We are officially in Chuncheon."

There are general exclamations from Cheongsa's announcement over the loudspeaker. Out the window they can see the snowy, cold surroundings. It's a miracle they were able to get there in the time they did. Finally, a plan that works out just as they had hoped.

Namjoon stifles a cough and keeps smiling, with blurred vision and little ability to breathe. These days it has been impossible for him to feel well. He just feels weak, with chills, blurred and watery eyesight, watery eyes, lack of appetite and even a fever that makes him feel sore.

It's a mixture of a thousand things that are simply not a good sign. Is he infected somehow? Is he dying? No one else is sick. Even if it were a more common virus, someone else should share the symptoms. Even if it's children. Their immune system being more vulnerable.

He has kept it a secret to avoid concern from others. Nor has it been necessary. Namjoon has been able to stay off the train until now. Jungkook, Yoongi, Jin and Taehyung go out when needed and managing them is easy. There have been no serious problems that require a lot of collaboration.

At most keeping the kids from fighting each other over toys.

"Well, we finally got somewhere," Jin celebrates loudly. "The next thing is to find a place to settle in while evacuations arrive. We can tour the area, but staying fixed on the train until then what do you think?" questions Namjoon who smiles weakly.

"I think it's the best thing we can do. It will also help us to have more supplies "Adds the taller one with purple lips and pale face. Jin furrows his eyebrows Did he look this bad during the course of the day? Right now he looks like he's about to faint. "You can... take care of... th..."


Jungkook moves fast enough to hold him down so Namjoon doesn't fall face first to the ground. He scrunches up his face and gives an exclamation, trying to keep him half on his feet, but the weight is too much. Namjoon loses consciousness and is left with his arms dangling and his eyes half-open.

"He's burning up with fever," says Yoongi helping Jungkook and realizing just how alit the other's skin is. "Let's take him to the last wagon." indicates Jungkook.

The younger nods and with Taehyung's help, manages to put Namjoon on his back, walking the train to the end. Something that Jin undoubtedly does not miss about life before this tragedy, is that at every slightest action or emotion they showed, there were murmurs. Whether they were good or bad, being talked about behind his back is so hateful. Why do they talk so much? Why do they do it? It irritates him, the more he forces himself not to give any complaints.

There's no more to talk about and he hates it! That was the good part of traveling alone. They could break down and no one would be around to use it as a talking point.

~ * * * ~

"He's had several sick days," Yoongi says with a grumble, "I didn't think the idiot would wait until he passed out with a temperature, rather than ask for a fucking aspirin."

"Do we have aspirin?" stammers Jungkook. He hadn't thought so far that they don't usually reach for medicine. Only when they've had very serious injuries and what's come in the government box. Beyond that, they have actively ignored the issue.

Yoongi pulls out from one of the many backpacks they have, a box that is basically ibuprofen. Jungkook checks inside and there are lots of boxes just like it. Also one that claims to be for fever.

"It was all the way to the bottom of the box. No wonder you didn't notice," admits the producer. "I don't think he'll swallow anything right now, though. You have to give it to him in water."

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