33. Beaten Snake, but attacked

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"We can go to X-zones if we hide when they pass. They don't have cameras, sensors, anything like that. If we're fast enough, even to hide, they won't know we're here."

There is general assent and that is that, in theory, if no one notices, nothing has happened here. Making an estimate, they should pass by there close to afternoon. Not to mention that as soon as they hear a car sound, they can hide. They've never gotten out of cars before, so it's arguably the perfect technique.

For this outing, Jungkook has San, Mingi and Wooyoung. Yoongi could not go out due to being dizzy and not wanting to be a burden to the rest. Apart from the three of them, they have four other people and the estimated plan is to take as much as possible and fill up two cars to take home. They are close to a dealership, so it will be easy. Even the gasoline issue, being that there is plenty stored there.

The start of the pickup is like any other. Mingi, San and Wooyoung stay with Jungkook. Both out of mutual habit and knowing that there is a need to stay with him. Yoongi asked them, anxious that being alone, Jungkook would do something foolish now that they know what they know.

When they hear a car they hide at full speed and with the best places. Having discreet markings to announce their position to the rest. They also leave what they have collected in alternate locations so that in case they are caught they don't have to give it away and say some excuse.

That they have just arrived, that they were passing through to a more distant place; the challenge would be to make it sound convincing.

Curiously, this time they do not go with the same parsimony and good atmosphere as before. Not at all. Mingi opens his eyes wide, impressed by what he manages to detail from his hiding place with the other three. Tied to a car are six people. All worn and miserable looking. Out of an alley, rowdy from their ruckus, comes a Yagtalja.

"What's wrong?" asks Jungkook, seeing them upset. Mingi stammers, not knowing how to say it and make it sound important. He doesn't need to, but his nervousness, he feels it so.

"They're f-friends of ours. They were a group called ONEUS."

"That's them?" replies Wooyoung incredulously. He tries to get a good look but can't make them out.

"Yes they are!" exclaims Mingi in a low voice. "They are-"

"Look how the son of a bitch fights!" snorts one of them. "You came here to die, asshole why are you stopping him? Come on, let it happen, let it go, deeeeep it."

San covers Mingi's mouth and Wooyoung holds him before he can even think of going for him. Jungkook drops his jaw slightly. One of them had stopped the Yagtalja and prevented him, leaving him to be bitten on the shoulder and causing screams that attract more. He takes a fleeting glance, finding Mingi nowhere near crying. The bitten one throws himself to the ground crying uncontrollably and to make matters worse, they cut off what was binding him to the others and let the Yagtalja take him away.

"Well, what do we do to-"

"Don't kill them!"

The request came from Jungkook, who pulls Mingi with him, he needs him; he doesn't know this group and must give arguments to save them. He rushes down with him and the remaining five look at them in amazement and I left hopeful. The leader whistles, "Why is it that every time we come here we run into you?" He wonders and Jungkook would like to know the same thing. This time, it's a lucky one.

"I was traveling west. I wanted a place where I wouldn't get robbed." The other laughs and shakes his head. "I want you to give them to me. All five of them." Jungkook points. "They are friends of ours."

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