15. Better spaces

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"Ho~la Everything okay over there?"

Namjoon winks shot and stunned by the huge spotlight hitting his face. Hoseok off to the side and Jungkook tagging along. The taller one fails to move, sore all over, but not the nuisance he was before. In fact, he's a hell of a lot better despite feeling like there's something in his chest.

"You've been asleep for two days," Hoseok announces, turning off the light so he can process the space better. "We had to operate on you. You had some kind of clot in your lung and that's why you were getting sicker than usual."

"We still have it. It's like a stone." adds Jungkook in a hiss. Namjoon tightens his expression for a moment and removes his oxygen mask.

"How did they operate on me... Are they crazy...?" he stammers nervously.

At least his lung is upside down. None of them are doctors! How would they know what to do?!

"Oops no, we literally don't. Jin got two doctors" Jungkook informs and Namjoon furrows his eyebrows more. "They diagnosed you, recommended an intervention and we brought you to a hospital. It's been pretty complicated keeping the lights on, but all good," assures the younger boy with a smile. Namjoon pats his chest.

"Y-you'd better not do that. You heal pretty fast, but you might open up the wound. It was pretty big. There was no way to get that out without opening up your whole chest." recounts Hoseok.

Namjoon manages to sit up with Jungkook's help. Standing like that, he opens the robe he is wearing. A huge X-shaped wound that barely looks reddened. On a table next to the gurney, he sees a huge black and noticeably hard cumulus on a metal tray. He coughs weakly and turns his attention back to the two of them.

"I'm still... I'm still a little... Confused." stammers Namjoon. Hoseok chuckles.

"We only took care of you while you were unwell. You don't need any more information than that."

~ * * * ~

"Which one do you think works better for us?"

"The second one" Yoongi says to Jin, he, Taehyung, Jiana, Cheongsa and Misuk looking at the map they walked through until a few moments ago. It's dark outside and the hospital gate with a big barricade. "It's huge, it has several floors, the parking lot can be used to park cars..."

"The third one seems better to me. If it's small, we'll have everything covered." says Cheongsa in contradiction.

"I liked the second one too," says Jiana.

"The first one is an in-between," says Misuk. "It's a fair space.

"Okay, we have two for two, one for third and-"


Yoongi can't resist smiling at the sight of Namjoon awake. The taller one gives a chagrined gesture, with Hoseok pushing the wheelchair and Jungkook moving the serum he still has attached. Chaewoon gives a couple of claps.

"Your recovery is going phenomenal. I can tell that that thing inside you is what was keeping you from recovering" says the lady and Namjoon cocks the head to the side. "Still needs a few days to recover though."

"We have those to spare" Jin assures Jin coming closer. "We were checking schools in the area. Four of them are empty or as empty as possible. When you are recovered we can go see them and you can tell us which one you think is better." announces the older patting his leg. Namjoon snorts.

"Already? Don't you give me any rest time?"

"How much more rest do you want? You've been half asleep for three weeks."

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