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Author's Note: This is a gift request for TrinityStars on ao3. It's definitely canon divergent, since this couldn't have happened in canon, or ROTS wouldn't have happened the way it did. Enjoy a whumpy one-shot where Obi-Wan frets over an injured Anakin! :'D

~ Amina Gila

On a mission gone wrong, Anakin is injured, and as always when that happens, Obi-Wan has to struggle with his fear of losing him. While they wait for a rescue team to find them, Obi-Wan tends to Anakin's injuries. It isn't easy. They talk... and argue. But maybe this time, they'll reach some sort of equilibrium.

War is a dangerous thing, it always has been, and he knows much too well how simple it is for those few still standing to go down, having lost his own master much like this. Their names, their identities blur together when they fall, unless they're a Jedi.

Obi-Wan has feared losing Anakin more than once on the front, but it always seems so inconceivable, so unreal, until Anakin is on the ground in front of him. He may be young, but he's already far more skilled than Obi-Wan was at his age. All he lacks is experience.

"Anakin," he calls urgently, scrambling through the rubble. Whatever droids left are destroyed now, but his former padawan was caught in an explosion. Obi-Wan has seen many things in battle, and even before, but it's always worst when it's Anakin who is hurt.

He can never quite shake the fear of what if this time the injuries won't be something so easy to recover from. It's a constant fear that haunts him now, even if he tries to let it go as a Jedi should. He can't imagine a world where Anakin isn't constantly with him – even if not in person. His heart clenches when he sees his former padawan's still form. He's conscious, but he's bleeding in a few places.

"Here," he croaks, though it's clearly difficult for him to speak. There's blood on his face from a gash on his left cheek – it doesn't look pleasant.

Obi-Wan kneels next to him, scrambling to take in the boy's condition. It's not as serious as he was afraid of, but that hardly makes it better. He knows how easy it could be for something to happen to Anakin in this war, where so many have already been lost. Obi-Wan can only hope they can get a call for help through to the others soon, because Anakin is bleeding badly. He was hit in multiple areas by durasteel from the explosion, his robes are singed in a few places, and he was thrown quite far.

Anakin winces slightly when Obi-Wan reaches up to press a hand to his cheek over the gash. It's fairly deep but far smaller than the one by his eye. Anakin leans into his touch even if it must hurt. It seems to calm him at least.

"I told you to be careful," Obi-Wan grumbles, his other hand dropping to Anakin's shoulder. "You never listen."

"Really," Anakin rasps. Talking hurts but he's clearly not going to stop now any more than he ever does. "Who rushed head-on into those battle droids?"

He has a point, but it's not as if Obi-Wan will concede that. He had been the one to attack the droids the moment they spotted them. Anakin had seen the explosion coming before Obi-Wan, the same as he usually does, and tackled him out of the way – which was how they got into this mess in the first place. Obi-Wan is not the least bit impressed about that.

Felucia has been a difficult battle compared to many of the others, and it's taking its toll. Worse, it's an important planet and not one the Republic can afford to lose. But in war, it's hard to tell, because often the battles they can't lose are the ones they do.

"Who threw himself in front of an explosion?" Obi-Wan retaliates.

It's maybe a little disturbing Anakin doesn't immediately have a comeback. "Can you get through to the others?" he asks instead.

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