Multiples: Leia in ANH

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Author's Note: This is a gift for elismor_aswell on ao3 for the May 4th SW Disaster Lineage Appreciation Gift Exchange. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

On the bridge of the Death Star, moments before Alderaan's destruction, Darth Vader is caught off-guard when a shift in the Force causes four more versions of Leia Organa to appear. Leia, who is... his daughter, apparently, the daughter he never knew he had. And Vader will do anything for his family.

"Continue the operation. You may fire when ready." Tarkin gives the order with no small measure of satisfaction, just as Vader knew he would. The Princess should've known that, too – but he thinks she suspected it. The answer felt true, but... also, not entirely.

The mission is a top priority from Sidious, and Vader knows he must finish it, whatever it entails. That doesn't mean he's at all... in favor of this. Destroying an entire planet is... that's not what the Empire was made to do. It was made to help, even if most of the time, it feels like it's just being used to destroy.

He didn't join Sidious for this, but it doesn't matter because – He's his master, and he'd listen to nothing Vader says. All he can do is obey.

Something is suddenly shifting, twisting in the Force. Vader can't pinpoint what it is, but it's like something's being ripped through the fabric of time and space. And suddenly, people are literally materializing out of nothing right on the bridge.

There's a gray-haired woman, who must be somewhere around his age.

Another identical version of the Princess, except slightly older.

Another one who looks suspiciously like her as a young teen.

And a girl who looks about ten, who also looks very much like her.

And every single one of them feels precisely like a mirror of her in the Force, except changed and altered, depending on their age.


The eldest woman moves first – as everyone on the bridge just stares at them – whipping out a blaster and firing straight at Tarkin's head. He collapses, dead.

Vader looks from the body to her. Even he has to admit that he doesn't feel any sort of remorse whatsoever – he's been waiting to do that since the Citadel if he's being honest – but he has no idea where she came from, even if she is... apparently another version of the Princess.

Everyone on the bridge instinctively begin raising blasters, aiming them at the... time-travelers. If that's what they are, because it certainly feels like it, in the Force.

The woman turns to look at him, something strangely pained, upset, and... he can't decipher the rest flaring around her in the Force.

You're my father.

The thought is very obviously projected intentionally, but loud enough that he and all the other versions of her would hear.

"What?" He wouldn't feel so frozen at the words, if it didn't ring with truth, in the Force.

"Did you just talk in my head?" the teen Princess yelps.

"It's true," the woman replies, an odd intensity in her eyes, as though... searching for something. Or expecting something. "Search your feelings."

It is true – he can feel it – and that doesn't make any sense. How can Leia, any version of her, be his daughter?!

"How is this possible?" he asks, through the Force. The others don't need to know what they're discussing.

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