Crystal of Life (Part 1 - The Padawan)

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Author's Note: This is a gift request for Justalonleysoul on ao3. I hope that you enjoy this two-shot! :D

~ Amina Gila

After losing his lightsaber in the fight with Maul, Obi-Wan has to make a new one. Except somehow, his kyber crystal is sentient. He still can't decide if it's more helpful or annoying to have a talking lightsaber that acts like a very annoying, older sibling. 

Everything still feels so empty when Obi-Wan reaches into the Force to meditate, always automatically expecting to feel Qui-Gon somewhere nearby. It hasn't even been a few weeks since Naboo.

He doesn't know how to continue without his master. Qui-Gon has been a part of his life for thirteen years, and Obi-Wan has very rarely worked without him. It's been rarely enough for him to feel entirely lost, either way.

It's especially true when he has a padawan to train, who is definitely the strangest padawan the Order has ever had. Anakin is the Chosen One, and Obi-Wan has absolutely no idea how to go about training him. He's a former slave, too, and Obi-Wan doesn't really know what that means, either.

Anakin doesn't act like a normal padawan. Obi-Wan has to explain all the basics of the Jedi way to him from the start, and it's sometimes hard to remember that all these things that are so obvious to him aren't to Anakin. He can't even imagine such a life, let alone figure out how to deal with it.

Qui-Gon would have known. He always knew.

Now that Qui-Gon is gone, Obi-Wan will have to move on, though he doesn't know how to start going about that. It feels so wrong that is master isn't here.

He misses him more than he thought possible, and he keeps expecting to sense him – except instead, he keeps feeling a nearly alive sensation from his new kyber crystal. He'd gone to Ilum to get another crystal immediately after Naboo, but something about it has just felt... strange. Maybe he's imagining things. Considering everything that happened on Naboo, he can't say he would be surprised.

Obi-Wan senses a sudden subtle shift in the Force, and a strange figure suddenly starts materializing in front of him. It's humanoid, but he doesn't think it's distinctly human, whatever it is. Their dark brown hair is braided and reaches past their shoulders – though Obi-Wan can't really tell how old it looks. It's eyes are violet, and something about them is... all-seeing.

"What are you?" Obi-Wan demands, instantly on guard, even if he doesn't sense danger.

"I am Yildiz. Your crystal," it replies – the voice is vaguely feminine, but at the same time... not exactly. It doesn't seem to have a gender at all. Then again, seeing that it claims to be his crystal and it feels like now that he's thinking about it, that's not a surprise is it?

Except that this doesn't make any sense. Crystals aren't sentient.

"That's impossible," Obi-Wan argues. Because it's not. There is no way in the galaxy that his crystal is talking to him.

"I am here, aren't I?" they ask, smiling. Obi-Wan eyes them warily – he's not entirely certain what of this is or isn't a vision. It's normal for people to have visions when they bond to their kyber crystals, but this is unlike any he's had before. And he is not particularly accustomed to visions, either. The first time his rare nightmares became repetitive was after Qui-Gon died, too, so he really doesn't know how to deal with this strangeness.

"How can I know you're not a trick of the Sith?" he asks accusingly. He needs to know that before he believes anything it tells him.

"You can sense me, can't you?" it – they? – asks, "Do I feel of the Dark Side?"

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