The Cat Batch

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Author's Note: This is for the Bad Batch Bingo. :D I saw a fanart picture made by Shyranno on tumblr of the cat batch, and we got inspired. :)

Enjoy all the craziness and fluff! :D

~ Amina Gila

An accident in Nala Se's lab leads to Omega shapeshifting into a cat. Tiny and panicked, she runs away to find her brothers so they can make it better. Which they can't, but they can adopt her as their pet. Until Nala Se comes. That doesn't stop Omega from going back. Again. And again. And then, the war is over, and her brothers still don't know she's a person. Until they do.

Everything is big. Too big. She feels small and furry, and it's creeping her out. All Omega knows is that there's something distinctly bad bad bad about what's happening. Crawling under a table as far back as possible to hide seemed like a good idea, but she needs...

Her brothers can help. Even if they're still tiny and three, and she's six. They're the same size as she is – er, would be.

She waits, until Nala Se opens the lab door, saying she'll come back later, and runs.

And runs.

Outside, there's so much to see. So much to get distracted by, and Omega spends a long time wandering before she finally picks up a very familiar scent in the medbay area. Her brothers were here. Recently.

Since when could she smell them this well? This is weird. Walking on four legs and having a tail is weird, too.

But Omega tracks their scent, anyway, the desperation to not be alone that she's had for two years now overwhelming her as she trots down long, winding halls, finally coming to a stop in front of a door. It looks enormous, even though she's the one that's small.

The door doesn't open. Omega paws at it, but nothing happens.

But her brothers are in there, and they're so close, and she just wants to see them again. Logically, repeatedly pawing at the door won't help, but that doesn't stop her from scratching at it with her tiny claws, anyway. She needs to get inside, she –

The door opens. Omega darts inside immediately before it can close again, sitting back to look wide-eyed up at her brothers.

One is the one who opened the door, and he's staring back, surprised and a little confused.

Omega dives under his bunk – the other three are occupied.

"What's that?" yelps Three – he sounds different now. Older. But still him.

"A... tooka?" Two asks uncertainly, eyeing her inquisitively the way he always looks at everything.

"What's a cat doing on Kamino?" One asks, as baffled at the situation as Omega herself.

Omega can hear them talking, but she has no idea how to talk to them. She doesn't know how to make herself human again, or if she even can. Because she's... a cat? And that doesn't make sense.

Three sticks his hand down to try grabbing her. She's way out of his reach, but she stares at his hand, anyway, mildly intrigued by how big it is. They're probably almost as big as her right now. Omega bats at it, and he pulls back with a yelp.

Did she just scratch him?


She backs up, whining a little.

One is trying to coax her out, but the world is strange and big. She doesn't want to go out.

"My name's Omega," she tries saying, because being called a cat is creepy. She's a person. Even if she just randomly became a cat. It comes out as a strange meowing though, and they can't understand that any more than Nala Se could.

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