Crystal of Life (Part 2 - The Clone Wars)

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Author's Note: Just as a warning, some of Obi-Wan's thoughts might come across as Ahsoka bashing, but that's not my view on how she's acting. I just think this is how Obi-Wan would be thinking about her, especially in this universe, because he won't like anyone hurting Anakin, no matter who they are. 

~ Tirana Sorki

It's been a full decade since the battle of Naboo now, which was the last time Obi-Wan saw now-Senator Amidala. He hadn't expected that to change. He hadn't cared for that to change, except now, he and Anakin are being sent to protect her. Anakin, at least, is excited about it. He was friends with Padme when they were younger, and he always dreamed of being reunited with her.

She doesn't seem happy about the whole situation, though. "I don't need more security. I need answers. I want to know who's trying to kill me," she says, clearly upset.

"We're merely here to protect you, Senator," Obi-Wan replies – that's what the Council told them. "Not start an investigation."

"We will find out who's trying to kill you, Padme," Anakin interjects, "I promise."

He suppresses the urge to lash out – Anakin often breaks rules to try helping people, and it always makes Obi-Wan uncomfortable, but he's just trying to help. Yildiz had spoken to him about that many times before. And he knows Anakin's not trying to contradict or question him, he just doesn't always understand. "We cannot go against the Council's orders, Anakin," he reminds.

"But if we're here to help, what else would we do?" Anakin objects, "Investigation is implied in our mandate."

"Implied," Obi-Wan points out, "Is not the same as directly stated. It is still bending rules."

"Perhaps merely with your presences, the threat surrounding us will be unveiled," Padme suggests, "Now, if you excuse me, I will retire."

Anakin watches until she disappears from sight. Obi-Wan goes over the details of what happened again with Captain Typho while Anakin speaks with Jar Jar before they find themselves alone again. "Master," Anakin addresses him quietly, "I didn't mean to seem disrespectful earlier, I just..."

"I know," Obi-Wan replies, "This has happened before."

"She was so nice when I was young. I just... want to repay that."

"I understand you feel indebted to her," Obi-Wan replies, "But you helped her liberate her planet back then. You gave her everything you needed to, and far more. You have always been far more attached than most, and I know it will be difficult to let go, but you can't let it cloud your judgment."

"I understand, Master," he offers softly.

Obi-Wan reaches over to squeeze his hand before they head downstairs.


It's the first time Obi-Wan's actually lost Yildiz before, and he can't deny the unease twisting in him, because his lightsaber is nowhere to be found. Most of all, he has no idea how he even will be able to find it again.

He was investigating the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala when he was captured by the Geonosians, and of course, they confiscated his lightsaber. He could likely still reach Yildiz with the Force if he tried, but that won't help him find it.

When he's being sent off to his execution, it's not like he has time to worry about it.

Why is he not even surprised when Anakin and Senator Amidala are promptly carted in to the arena right after he's chained to the pole?

And why does he feel Yildiz's amusement so close?

He doesn't have to wait long, because the animals are let into the arena, and then, Anakin pulls a lightsaber out of his robes, cutting himself free. A certain very familiar lightsaber.

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