Ch 1 Summers here

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Sang POV

"Oy! Give me fucking Trouble. I Have work to do." Gabe throws his arm around me and moves me away from Kota's car towards Victor's. "What are we doing Meanie?" I thought I was going home to help Nathan and Kota set up for our sleepover. I'm so glad school is over. The boys have finished their work here at Ashley Waters and none of us are coming back. I don't know what I will do about school but Owen has asked me to trust him. And I do.

"Shopping, fuck it's summer you need swim ware. I'm more then fucking happy to find you what you need." Gabe says winking at me.
"Baby doesn't need any more Gabe. You only brought her some last month." North does not look happy.
"Oy! Let me do my fucking thing and you go do yours." North just grumbles and I can't help but giggle. "It's okay North Star. We won't be long." I hope. I give North a hug I want to kiss him but we're still in the car park at school. I turn to Silas and he picks me up in one of his Silas bear hugs that I love. I give him a kiss, since he's the only one able to have one here.
I wave to Kota, Nathan and Luke who are heading straight to mine and Nathan's house. Victor opens the front door for me and I slide in. Gabe jumps into the back seat and we're off.


I'm so tired. We're almost home and I can't wait to see everyone. I'm mostly excited about seeing Owen and Sean. No more hiding. "Princess what's with the big smile?" "I'm just happy that we all no longer have to hide. I love you all so much, but with Owen and Sean it was so hard not being able to show them as much because of Ashley Waters."
Gabe leans in between the seats and says, "Trouble, we're all glad we're out of that shit hole. Mr B and Doc the most. They won't be fucking letting you go anytime soon." He laughs. Pulling up into Nathan's driveway, I see Owen's car. I'm so glad they are here already. I wonder where North and Silas are. They never told me where they were going. I hope it's not another assignment. I was told they all had time off.

Walking in the front door I say, "Honey I'm home." Ever since I saw someone on TV say that I can't help but use it. I love my Honey and at the moment this is our home. Though I can't wait for the day I can live with all my boys.
"POOKIE!" Sean yells, jumping off the lounge. I run straight into his arms, this feels like home. He gives me a deep passionate kiss and I feel my knees turning to jelly. "Hello POOKIE, my love. Did you have fun with Vic and Gabe?"
"Yes, but I'm all shopped out." I pout. "Suck that lip in Pookie." Sean mock glares at me. I start to giggle. "No stop that. If you keep going I'll have to stop it for you." That makes me giggle more. Sean quickly kisses me again, and I can't help but smile.

"Sweetheart." I turn to look at Owen. He's giving me a smile just bigger then his normal one millimetre smile. I give Sean one more quick kiss and walk over to Owen. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I look into his grey eyes and they're sparkling. I can see the love he has for me shining through. I feel his hands go around my waist, bringing my body as close as he can to his. I feel his solid body through his white button down shirt and all I can smell is spring soap. I love how he smells. I love how all my boys smell.

"Sweetheart. Sang. My love." He leans in and presses his soft as silk lips against mine. Passionate, yet controlled. My fingers tangle in his hair, and I hear his quiet moan. Breaking away to breathe he rests his forehead against mine. "I'm so glad your mine.....ours. I won't waste a single moment this summer showing how much you mean to me. How much I love you." I melt inside. Owen may not show his feelings that much, but when he does it always hits me like a truck. His words light me up from the inside, and I can't help but feel wanted and loved all the more.

In the kitchen with Luke helping with dinner prep, I have just finished the fruit salad. I hope my North Star will like it. I've cut all the fruit into star shapes. Gabe on a shopping trip recently found a special cutter. I don't know why it's called but it had a bright pink ball at the end, and I love it.
As I finish wrapping the bowl and putting it in the fridge I hear the front door open. Must be Silas and North. "Baby where are you?" "Aggele?" They both call out. "In the kitchen."
I see them both walk in with large smiles on their faces. North always looks so handsome when he smiles. "Baby" North picks me up in a bone crushing hug. "Ah shit!" He flinches back. What did I do? Did I hurt him? "North Star are you hurt. Right then I see the corner of what looks like a bandage from the collar of his shirt. I jump down from his arms and call out to Sean. As he comes into the kitchen, he's looking around to see who's hurt. "It's North he has a bandage on his chest."
"North what have you done. Take off your shirt and show me." Sean says now sounding like the doctor we all know he is. "Fuck, shit. Baby it's not what you think."

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