Ch 9 Were in London Baby!

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North POV

Fuckin' shit. How the hell is he older then me? My poor baby. If I have any say in it she will never find out what that means. Well that is unless it's me and her doing it. Her soft as silk legs wrapped around me, calling my name as she falls apart under me. Fuck, now I'm hard again. He only just went down. Um, football, maths, Jade, Rocky in a bikini. Yep that killed him.
I snuggle back into baby's neck leaving soft kisses. The only girl I will ever want or need.

Mr B has two vans with drivers waiting for us when we get off the plane. I pass baby over to Kota and go and help Silas and Nate with the bags. Once were all loaded up we split off into the cars. Doc, Sang, Silas, Vic and me in the first one and Mr B, Nate, Luke, Gabe and Kota in the second. I'm the last to get in and just before Luke calls out, "North, good flight baby brother." With a wicked grin he pulls out a pair of lace panties from his pocket. That little shit.
Silas grabs me and pulls me in before I can do anything. I can hear that fuckers laugh from here.

Silas POV

Poor North. Luke really knows how to push his buttons. It is funny though.

The apartment is nice most rooms have a single and double bed in them. The main bedroom has a king. We know where Aggele is sleeping so I'm guessing we're all taking turns at sleeping in the main bedroom with her. As long as I have my night I'm happy. I know Mr B is staying with her tonight, and if that dream she had has anything to do with it, we may have a smiling leader in the morning.

After everyone has changed and unpacked we all move into the main room. "Everyone settled in? Good. Since its starting to get late I thought we could all go out to dinner. I was informed that there is a 'Pub' just down the road, that has good meals. Also the legal drinking age here is 17. So if you wish to drink you may. But, remember tomorrow we are getting up early to go to 'Hampton Court Palace' by train. So think, I do not want anyone hungover tomorrow. Let's go."

"A pubs a bar right?" Gabe asks.
"Yep" Luke says popping the 'p'. How we all get along at times I will never know, but I love my family and wouldn't change any of them. "Aggele, come walk with me." The smile that lights up her face when she looks at me melts my heart. "Hi superman." She cuddles up to my side as we walk. I wrap my arm around her loving how perfectly she fits.

Sang POV

Moving tables together we all sit down at this 'pub'. Most of the boys have gone and gotten beer or in North's case a mixed drink. Honey got me pink lemonade, and I really like it. Looking at the menu, the meals we're basic but all sounded so yummy. I ended up getting sausages, mashed potato, peas, corn and honeyed carrots.
Most of my boys got a steak or a burger.

Half an hour later two girls and a guy come out carrying plates. I notice both girls change their walk as soon as they spot our table.

Putting down each of the plates they try to get closer and closer each time. Poor Luke is almost falling out of his chair with how far back he's leaning away. I don't like it. No ones aloud to touch them but me. I catch Owens eyes and he mouths 'we love you' to me. He always knows what to say.
The man puts down my plate and says, "and bangers and mash with veggies for the lady." Sean chokes on his drink and asks, "what did you say." "Bangers and mash. It's what we call sausages and mashed potato." He grins and walks away with the two overly friendly girls.
"Well Pookie you better eat your bangers and mash." Everyone starts laughing.

"Fuck this is a good burger." Gabe some how says around a bite. The burgers are so big meanie is having trouble holding it. From what I can see it has egg, beacon, tomato, lettuce, carrot, pineapple, pickles, cheese and the patty. Plus everything is doubled up.
The steak almost takes up the whole plate with only a small serving of fries on the side. But we found out they call them chips. My North Star has a side bowl full of steamed vegetables with his steak that he has almost finished.

""Does anyone want dessert?" One of the girls asks. Everyone agrees with either a 'yep', 'yes please', or 'me'.
"Sweetheart would you like some?" Owen asks me. I see the waitress glare at me.
"Yes please, but I don't think I could eat a full one."
"Princess would you like to share mine?" Victor asks. His fire eyes making me think of anything but dessert.
"No peanut wants some of mine."
"Um...." I look between the two.
"How about we order a selection from the menu and 10 can try what she wants and we can share the rest."

I'm so full. My North Star is carrying me back to our apartment. I feel like I should be rolling. Even my superman is full, he walks beside us rubbing his stomach muttering something in Greek. It's still fairly early and most of the guys have had a couple of drinks each. So we have decided to watch a movie before going to bed.

To celebrate being in London, Luke puts on Austin Powers. I only saw this movie for the first time a couple of months ago and thought it was really funny.
Sitting in honeys lap on the couch, with menie on one side and Kota on the other I'm turning into a puddle of goo. Honey is chewing on my fingers giving a teasing lick every now and again. Meanie is playing with my hair and Kota is rubbing my feet and legs.

I don't know how much time has passed but my body feels like it's on fire. My dream comes back to me, rubbing my legs together trying to get some relief, is doing nothing. "Peanut, if you don't stop moving we're going to have a very hard problem soon." Honey whispers in my ear.

"I think it's bed time gentlemen. Sweetheart." Owen walks over and picks me up. I can hear my other boys cleaning up and putting everything away and turning off the TV.

Walking into the bedroom Owen closes the door with his foot and places me down on the huge bed.

Owen POV

Walking with Sang in my arms towards the bedroom I can feel the heat from her arousal. Finding out she was dreaming about me today was bliss and agony. Though now I have her for the night I can let some of my control slip. Sang apart from Sean is the only other person I will let see me. I drop the hard look behind closed doors because I want her to love the real me.
"Sweetheart do you need anything before we go to bed?"
"Only you" she gets on her knees on the bed and wraps her arms around my neck.
"Please Owen, I just need you." She's looking straight into my eyes. I feel like she can read every inner most thought I have.
"You will always have me."

We are laying naked on the bed, though I do not remember taking off our clothes. Running my hands up and down her body, leaving soft kisses from her mouth down to the valley of her breasts.
"Owen, please. Owen I'm ready." She lets out on a breathy moan. Is she really asking what I think she is.
"Sang, are you sure?" Moving up so I'm now looking straight into her eyes. I trail my fingers over her flushed cheek.
"Yes, I've never been more sure. I want you to be my first Owen. Please make love to me." I smile a full smile just for her. I can see the reaction in her eyes. Heat, passion and burning brightly, love. Love for me.
"Sweetheart, Sang, I would be honoured and will cherish you and this moment for the rest of our lives."

Sean POV

Waking up I'm wondering if anyone else heard last nights activities. I know Victor did since we are sharing a room right next door to Pookie. Letting out a chuckle I shake my head. Who would have thought Owen..... Call me Mr Blackbourne, himself would of been the first of us. I am so glad now she got the implant a few months ago.

Standing at the kitchen island I watch the rest of the family walk in. Some look more awake then others. Taking a drink of my coffee Luke asks while rubbing his eyes. "Did anyone else have trouble sleeping last night? I kept hearing banging sounds from next door."
"Oi, shit yeah. Fucking hammering some god dam shit into the early hours." I choke on my coffee. I can see young Victor trying not to laugh.
At that moment the conquering hero of lands untold and unexplored walks into the room. Well more like struts. He has a full blown smile on his face. I just chuckle and shake my head at him. He sends me a wink, God who the hell is this man. "I have no idea what you're talking about gentleman. I had the most restful sleep last night." I bet you did you sly dog.

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