Ch.34 home sweet home

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This is the end. The last chapter. If you are reading this thank you for reading this through till the end. This is my first completed story and it has been a long journey of writing blocks and 9 boys and one girl whispering in my ears. Now on with the show.

Sang POV

Home, we are home. Pulling out of the airport we make our way towards our new home. Never before I met my boys have I had a real place to call home, they have always just been a house.

The flight was long, but I slept my way through most of it. Wanting as much energy as possible for exploring every area possible of our new home.

Pulling down the driveway which is lined with large trees giving it a tunnel affect it opens up at the end to the most amazing sight.

Pulling down the driveway which is lined with large trees giving it a tunnel affect it opens up at the end to the most amazing sight

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It's more then I could of hoped for. "It extends further back sweetheart. It has 15 bedrooms, 16.5 baths, 3 offices, an art room, home theatre, gym and games room. Their is more, but I will let you explore the rest for yourself."
As soon as I am out of the car I am jumping on Owen kissing him until I can no longer feel air in my body.
I run up to the front door bouncing up and down on my toes waiting for someone to let me inside. "Excited baby?"
"Yes, aren't you?"
"We all are Pookie. So let's open her up."

The inside is more then I could of imagined in my wildest dreams. It really is like a giant log home.

The kitchen is where I find myself first

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The kitchen is where I find myself first. Timber and marble counter tops with cream walls. A modern country feel. I know I will love cooking in here. I walk up the stairs and look over the railing at our sitting room. The light pouring into the room makes everything look magical.

I walk a little ways along and come across what I'm guessing is the games room

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I walk a little ways along and come across what I'm guessing is the games room. Open with light pouring in, high ceilings making the area seem even bigger. I know I will find my men up here more times then not.

The art studio is right next to it with an entire wall made of glass letting natural light flow in

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The art studio is right next to it with an entire wall made of glass letting natural light flow in. Gabe has designed it so well.
I find myself in what I'm guessing will be my room with all the pink touches. I notice each one of my soon to be husbands is represented some way in here as well.

I open the first door to my left and I don't know what to think. I have never seen anything like this before. Behind glass doors hold all my clothes and behind pink curtains that are tied off to either side in another small room with more glass doors show casing all my shoes. I didn't think I had this many. A small island in the centre of the room has 6 draws either side. I pull one open and it holds different styles of sunglasses. The next is just earrings, I keep opening finding all types of jewellery. On the other side is underwear and scarfs. What did I ever do to deserve this. I shake my head and leave the room.

I open the next door and am again left speechless

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I open the next door and am again left speechless. Is this really my bathroom? Sinks either side with large mirrors taking up most of the wall. Walking further along a glass door shower is to my right and a large bath tub at the end of the room on a raised platform.

I sink to my knees crying

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I sink to my knees crying. I don't know how long I have been here but I first notice I'm not alone when the sent of Spring soap hits my nose. "My darling, is everything okay?" Owen sits down behind me and draws me into his lap.
"Yes, I'm sorry. It's just this is all so much. What did I ever do to deserve all of this?"

"Sweetheart, you deserve this and more. You came into our lives and loved us all through everything. You love us for who we are. We weren't really living before you came into our lives. Just going through the motions of everyday life. You my dear, fixed all our hearts and in return gave us yours, which we will cherish and hold dear for the rest of our lives. I love you, we all love you and with out you this would only be a house not a home."

Home, I am finely home.

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