Ch 13 In a bubble

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Okay so as you can see I've been skipping out on all the juicy bits trying to keep it.... Well kinda safe for young eyes. Question though would you be interested if I did a separate off shot book of all the missing naughty bits? Let me know and if so I'll start it ASAP.
And also a big THANK YOU to everyone who commented and voted love you to bits.

Gabriel POV

At this fucking rate I'm going to need to buy some ear plugs. Again all night banging. It stopped around 1am only to start back up again around 4am. Shit you could tell it was my trouble and North, lucky fucker. The worst thing is he even growls during sex. Everyone would of been able to hear him. Let alone he kept calling out 'Sang baby' over and over again. And my trouble screaming out his name, I've said it once I'll say it again, lucky fucker. Tonight is docs turn to sleep with her and then me. She will be mine for the night, and will not be leaving until completely satisfied. I just hope I'm okay. I know what I'm doing I've just never done it. Yes I Gabriel Coleman am a virgin, and I'm so happy about that because I can give all of myself to my trouble.

Drinking my coffee Luke looks just as tired as I am. But he's grinning like a fool. I guess he's happy for his baby brother, either that or he's planing something.

Eating breakfast I see everyone keep taking glances at her door. They still haven't fucking come out yet.
I'm about ready to go bang on the door. I need to get my trouble dressed. Today we're going shopping. I can't wait.

North finally emerge's from the bed room stretching his arms above his head with the cockiest smirk on his face. He still doesn't have a shirt on and we can all see the bites all over his body and neck. Fuck she almost drew blood with some of them.

He sits down and grabs an apple taking a bite, yet never stops smiling.

Silas POV
"kaló vrády o adelfós ?" (Good night brother?) I ask North. I know he has, I just want to see what he will say.
"Nai , nai ékana . Allá poté den filí̱sei kai na pei ." (yes, yes I did. But I never kiss and tell). Ha that's funny any other time he tells me everything.
"tóso kaló?̱" (that good?) I ask with an eye brow raised. I know no one will ever be better in any of our eyes, she is our forever, my Aggele.
"kalýtera sti̱ synécheia, tha boroúsa na écho̱ oneiref̱teí poté ." (Better then I could have ever dreamed) dam, how many nights until I get Aggele?

Sang POV

I'm feeling delightfully sore today. I can't stop the shiver every time I think about it. North is walking beside me with his arm wrapped around my shoulders. He looks down at me with a proud smirk across his face. Kissing behind my ear he whispers, "I love you Sang baby."
"I love you too, my North Star." I say kissing him on his cheek.

Meanie has dragged Victor and myself out shopping today. Owen has decided to join us as well as North, but I have a feeling he came along to play bodyguard. I don't really need one, but it makes him feel better so I let it go.

Nathan, Luke, Silas, Kota and Sean have gone to go see all the sights where the 'jack the ripper' murders happened. Not something I'm interested in so shopping was it.

Walking down the street Gabriel starts to explain where we're going today. "Oi, First stop is 'Oxford Street' then onto 'Bond Street' . Shit if we have time 'Mayfair' too."

North POV

God fucking dam it. How much more can we buy. Mr B has declared this to be the last shop, thank fuck for that. My poor baby looks dead on her feet. Vic is sitting down with her in his lap while Gabe is running around the store. It's some fancy shoe place. I don't understand pounds but €850 seems to me to much for one fucking pair of shoes.

Finally we're back at the apartment after taking two cabs back due to all the shopping. He brought everyone new clothes and shoes. When he found out it will be winter in Australia and New Zealand he started panicking trying to find winter clothes, with no luck. He did find me a cool leather jacket and a matching one for baby. Fuck she's going to look cute in that.

The boys must have finished their little murder trail early because we find them all sitting back playing Xbox.
"How was it?" I ask taking a seat.
"Interesting, we found out they do night tours, but I don't think we will have time to do that."
"We ate at a place where one of the murder victims either was killed or drank her money away. I can't remember. It was called the 'frying pan pub' but now is a curry restaurant." Nathan tells us.
"It was good too." Doc says rubbing his stomach.
""I'll agree with you there doc." Silas says leaning back smiling.

For the rest of the afternoon we all just relax. Baby went for a nap not long after we got back. I knew she was dead tired after all that walking around.

Tonight we are going on the 'London eye'. Mr B has organised there to be food while we take the 30 minute trip. If we are still hungry at the end he told us we will just find somewhere to eat.

Sang POV

Waking up I find meanie quietly moving about my room sorting clothes. "Meanie?"
"Oi, trouble good your awake. Get your pretty ass in the bath. I've got clothes waiting for you in there."
"What are we doing?" I ask, getting out of bed stretching.
"Mr B booked us on the 'London eye', fuck he even got food for us on there. Now hurry up, chop, chop." I kiss him on the cheek on my way into the bathroom. "Thank you meanie."

Getting out of the bath I see meanie has left me pretty pink and white matching underwear with black 3/4 leggings and a pretty pink flowing top. I don't know what to call it but it's super soft and comfy. He come in and starts blow drying my hair into soft waves adding a black clip to one side to keep my hair out of my face. Only adding mascara and lip gloss he says, "fucking perfect." I can't help but blush. I don't think I'll ever stop blushing with how my boys treat me. He kisses me on the cheek and pats my bum telling me to go out to the others.

The 'London eye' is massive. It hurts my neck just looking up at it. As soon as we get there we are shown straight into what they call a 'capsule'. Everything is glass except the floor. There's a table in the centre with so much food all over it. All snack sized pieces but enough to feed an army. Or maybe just my 9 very hungry boys.

We take a lot of photos in between eating all the snacks and before we know it the ride is over. At least I got a kiss from everyone of my boys up there. It just felt so magical.

I am the last to exit but get stopped by Sean. "What is it? Is something wrong?"
"No Pookie, nothing's wrong. I just had an idea. Gabe I need you to bring that camera here for a moment."
"Oi, what's the fucks going on doc?"
"Excuse me can we just get the door closed for a moment to take a picture?" Sean asks the attendant. He closes the door with me still inside. "Smile Pookie."
When I get out I have no clue what that was about. "Why'd you do that doc?" Luke asks.
"I will print this out and frame it for North. As proof he once had Pookie in a bubble." I can't help but laugh. North just grumbles something under his breath but I can see him trying not to smile.

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