Chapter 1: A Sweet Sweaty California

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I belong with you, you belong with me, my sweetheart...

I cranked my hand down on my phone's snooze button and laid my head back on my pillow. My eyes slowly fluttered open, my brain still asleep but somehow as I opened my eyes a magical glow appeared around me. This was my first day of summer 2013 in California! I sprung up out of my bed, slipped on my fuzzy pink slippers and headed downstairs. My brother and sister were already up eating cereal. I grabbed the Lucky Charms and noticed it was practically empty, I had to give them some death glares.

"Hey! Early birdie gets the wormy" Giggled my little sister Charlie. She was 9, I was 18. She was one of the cutest 9 year olds I had ever seen, with long curly brown hair, big beaty brown eyes and adorable freckles. 

"Yeah well only if the early bird is a jerk and doesn't save any for the late bird!" I groaned to her.

"But the bird did save some." She said as she poured 6 cereal pieces and 4 marshmallows into an empty bowl.

"What a generous bird." I said as I grabbed a banana.

"So, first day in Cali, what are you gonna do first?" Asked my brother Will. He was 6'2, tan skinned, had short brown hair which was always perfectly messy, and had soft blue eyes. He had just turned 21 a week ago.

"Well im going to go take a quick, 20 ish minute run? Get a feel for Cali you know. I mean were living here for 2 months." I said as I began walking back upstairs into my room in our new summer beach house.

I grabbed my lululemon water bottle, slid on a pair of spandex shorts, a cute pink tanktop and my new nike running shoes. I looked in my full length mirror and gave myself a quick look over. I was 5'6 with long brown wavy hair, I was partially skinny but deffinitely nowhere near model material. My skin was sort of tanned, but I'm sure that would improve, well duh I was living in Cali now! My eyes were just like my brothers, a beautiful blue color - they were my favorite thing about myself. Oh right, my name is Serena.

I slicked my hair into a messy high pony, rain down the stairs and out the door. The California sun was shining as bright as ever and a huge smile smeared across my face. I clipped my iPod to my arm, pressed play on my playlist and began my run. The jogging path was right beside the ocean, so incredible to look at while taking a run. Everyone around me was tan, gorgeous, and well, sweating. I guess the sun was a lot more hot down here than back home in New York. I began to jog down through the sand, watching everyone swimming and playing beach volleyball. I noticed a group of boys joking around near the water, most of them were pretty cute. I shook my head, 

Last time I even thought about boys was when I got back from the bathroom at an after prom party and there was my boyfriend (well now obviously ex) jake making out with some girl. I was heart broken for so long. I lived like a hermit in my bedroom, barely eating and just listening to sad break up music. We had been dating for 2 years, but I guess none of it mattered to him. Thinking about Jake made me feel nauseous, so sick I apparently tripped over my own feet and fell ass first into the sand. 

One of the boys from the group I had noticed came running over to me. Oh gee. Oh God. Just get up Serena, just freaking get up. It was too late, he was already extending his hand out to me. I grabbed it and pulled myself up. The boy was taller than me, maybe 5'9. He had a cute face with chocolate colored eyes, dark brown hair which was flipped up nicely, and a skinny yet muscular body.

"Thanks." I said slightly embarassed yet still laughing at myself.

"Oh hey not a problem, everyone falls down sometimes you know." Said the boy with a slight chuckle.

"Unfortunately!" I said while laughing. 

"Well, I'll see you around then!" 

"Yeah, bye!" I said while starting off on my run again. A few seconds later I noticed him running back towards me.

"I'm Kian by the way" He shook my, probably, very sweaty hand. "Serena" I said back to him.

"Nice to meet you, Serena" He said while jogging back to his friends.

Well well, California. Looks like your already treating me well. I put my Ipod back on and jogged back down the path. This might just be my best summer yet.


Thank you so much to everyone reading! Please comment if you like it and you want to hear more, I am going to try to update every day! ♥

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