Chapter 35: Bye Bye California

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A/N: Sorry for that cliffhanger dolls! There's a lot of JC POV dialogue that I hope you enjoy, gives you a better look into his thoughts. By the way, a quarter million reads?! That's nuts, I love you guys. Kisses xo

I opened my eyes to a slightly-lit room. I turned my face and found the source of light, a slight slit in the curtains. The sunlight poured down onto my bed and I could see the dust particles dancing in the air, the sun made them look like small golden flecks. A smile curled up on my lips as I watched the oddly beautiful scene, the light hit off one of my YSL lipstick tubes and made an angel-looking glow on the wall. As a box was lowered down onto my bed my smile faded away, I turned my head back to see my brother Will. 

"Rise and shine, pack your shit. Our flight is tomorrow at 11 AM you know, and you haven't packed a single thing." He said as he made his way to the door. 

"But, I don't want to leave." I said into my pillow. 

"Has he still not spoken to you?" Will asked. 

"Not since 3 days ago, before he left that night." I pressed my hand against my cold cheek, fighting back many tears. 

"Maybe this is the perfect time to go back home Serena. Leave California and the people behind, everyone makes mistakes you know. Does he know you leave tomorrow?" He asked. 

"Yes. I'm pretty sure he goes back to Texas a few days after too. But, maybe you're right Will. Maybe what happens in California stays in California." I said, knowing that was I was saying and what I was thinking was not the same. 

"Pack up your clothes alright, I think your wardrobe has doubled since we came here." He smiled and clasped my hand before walking away. 

"Hey Will," I said as he turned around, "you sure you won't miss the company of anyone? Not even my friend Kat." I said with an evil grin, remembering the time Jenna told me about Kat and Will. 

He looked almost shocked and then he laughed, "Maybe I'll give her a call." He winked at me before leaving. 

I sunk down lower in my bed a few moments before rising. I stared at myself in my small makeup mirror and noticed parts of my cheeks were tear stained. I guess I had been crying in my sleep again, it wasn't unusual, though. When Jake cheated on me after prom it had become a habit, a habit that I guess had now returned. 


"Can you stop moping around? Can you just talk to her." Connor said as he watched me endlessly stirring my coffee.  

"I wouldn't even know what to say. She cheated on me Connor, for fucking money." I said not looking at him, but into my drink. 

"Who was the guy, what was his name again?" He asked. 

"Carter, I only know his first name. I also know he's gay and apparently super rich. Know anyone like that?" 

"Actually..." Connor said now looking at the wall, "I do, well a rich Carter. Actually he did recently come out as gay, too. Remember that gala I took you to awhile back? He was there." He said. 

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