Chapter 2: Kat

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When I got back home my mom was up. My mom was gorgeous, beaty brown eyes like Charlie, wavy hair like me, but unlike the rest of us she was blonde.  

"Ello hun, howd the run treat ya?" She said as she smiled to me.

"It was so gorgeous outside, I just can't believe im going to be spending my summer here."

"Well you better believe it sister!" She said as she snapped her fingers and gave a sassy face.

"Hey, when I was upstairs I heard your phone going off, you might want to check it." Said Will.

"Oh! Alright! Ty!" I said as I ran up the stairs.

4 new texts? Holy smokes. All from Kat, my Cali bff. Kat used to live in New York with me in middle school but once high school started her family moved to california. Ever since then Ive only visited Cali for a week at a time, we always did so many crazy things. She is the only friend I have out here right now. 

[Kat] Wake up, slut!

[Kat] Heeeeeeeeeloooooooooo

[Kat] You kidding me ser?

[Kat] First day in Cali and your sleeping? Girl come on now.

I texted her back saying I was out for a run, and also that I had spotted some beach hotties. She told me to forget them for now, she had something special planned for us. She told me to go over to her place. I ran downstairs gave my mom a peck on the cheek and said Id be at Kat's and to text if she needed. I felt bad for ditching the fam on the first day but come on, we have a whole summer to bond.

I got to Kat's and rung the door, her house was huge. She opened it with a huge grin on her face.

"SERENA!" She cried as she gave me a huge hug. Kat was 5'9, 1 year older than me, and looked like a Victoria's Secret model. She was deffinetely my most rebellious friend, always convincing me to do the craziest shit.

"Well come on in!" She said as she walked me into her bedroom. It was gorgeous. Purple leopard print walls, huge king bed, beautiful white vanity, dang! 

"So which dress do you like more?" She said as she held up one hot pink dress and one black one.

"Hmm, the black. Why?" I asked.

"Cause tonight we clubbbbbbbbbbin'!" She practically screamed. Clubbing? I was so down for some fun. Especially if fun meant dancing with some California hotties. Of course we were underage but that has never stopped us before, it's a good thing I brought my fake ID. 

"Well girl, its only noon, what're we gonna do till then?" I asked.

"Whatever you want girlie!" She said as she opened up her window. "California is now yours!" 

"Let's go walk around a bit? Mind if I borrow some clothes?" I say as I look down at my workout rags I was wearing.

"Take anything from my closet babe, what's mine is yours." she said smiling.

I grabbed ripped high waisted denim shorts, they always made me look really slim. I found a cute American Apparrel tribal crop top and slipped than on too, and put a pair of Kat's black Toms on my feet. I looked in the mirror, shook my hair out of my pony, smeared on some lip gloss and was ready for the road.

"Sexy mama!" Kat squealed. 

We headed down to the beach, took our shoes off and started walking along the shore line. The cool water felt good on the hot sand. We started chatting about my life, I filled her in on prom night, and told her how good it feels to be away from him. Almost an hour went by and I noticed something - there is the beach hotties! Kian! I didn't want to just walk up to him, he had to notice me  right? I gave my hair a toss and fixed my shirt and kept walking along. One of his friends said something to him and he noticed me. He started walking towards me so I started to walk a bit faster. I looked over at Kat to see if she was noticing the situation but she was off in her own world. He strolled over to me,

"Serena!" He said with a smile.

"Hey ki-" I started to say.

"KIAN!" Kat screamed and bumped into him with her booty.

Of course Kat knows Kian, Kat probably knows all the beach hotties with him too. I mean it's not a problem just now I have to figure out, are they just friends? Did they date? Blah blah blah. 

What other surprises do you have for me California?


Tysm for reading ♥ Updates daily. 

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