Chapter 14: Goodnight Cheek

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A/N: So sorry I haven't updated in awhile! My internet has been screwey, but I will try to update as often as I can, sorry for the down time! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. :) And hello, 5,000 reads? You guys rock ♥

I quickly got up out of my seat and chased down the little bitch of a blonde girl. I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her onto the ground. Almost everyone at the party was now staring and I didn't even care.

"You don't even know who I am!" I screamed as I slapped her across the face.

I quickly felt myself being pulled off of the small girl, and being lifted onto someones shoulders. I looked down at the khaki pants and immediately knew it was JC.

"JC. PUT ME DOWN." I screamed as I slapped him on the back.

"Not here." He said as he carried me into the front yard and onto the porch steps. He set me down and sat down beside me. He looked at me with cocerned eyes, but I was too fired up to notice.

"Why would someone even do this?!" I said as I ran my fingers through my hair thanking the Lord I wore it in a ponytail tonight.

"Girls get jealous, Serena. Especially drunk ones." He chuckled as he ran his fingers through the wet ends of my hair.

"Well shit. I mean how could she eve-" I got cut off by JC placing his lips onto mine. It was light and soft yet still passionate. After a few seconds I leaned back and broke the kiss.

"But, why did you..." I trailed off.

"Just wanted to finish what you were starting before, you know." He said while playfully winking. I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't believe this was happening, I was so happy, and my slight buzz made this even better. For half an hour we just sat on the porch, talked, and kissed. It was perfect, but of course my mind was always over thinking. What did this mean? Were we dating or something? Were we exclusive? Or was this nothing? I decided to save my questions for another day, and just enjoy the moment.

A while later we walked back into the party, wanting to hold hands but we held back.

"Heyyyy! It's scrappy!" Shouted some guy. I just blushed and turned away, embarassed that I actually tried to fight with some drunk girl at a party. I turned to JC and told him I would be right back, and that I had to talk to Kat for a moment. 

I walked over to Kat who was well on her way to hammered and told her everything.

"So are you guys like... dating?" Kat slurred. 

"Shhh!" I hushed her.

"I don't know yet, but I don't want to make it a big deal yet. I just wanted to tell you." I smiled.

"Aw, girl." Kat hugged me and I returned back to JC who was with Sam and some girl.

"Hi." I said to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Marissa." She smiled, her hair was dirty blonde, and she was slightly shorter than me. Sam had his arm wrapped around her, he was such a sweetie.

"Well, I think were going to go grab a coffee then I'm going to drive Marissa home, talk to you two later!" Said sam as he walked Marissa to the door. 

"You think we should do the same?" JC looked at me.

"Yes! Oh a Mcdonalds coffee sounds so good right now." I smiled to him.

We left the house and walked for about twenty minutes to a near by Mcdonalds. We walked in and JC told me to sit down and he would grab our coffees. He came back with our drinks and we just talked. We decided for now it would probably be best to see where this led instead of rushing into anything, or even telling anyone really. 

"Sitting in a Mcdonalds wearing a bralette is strange." I said as I looked around at the few people here.

"Here, take this." JC said as he handed me his grey and tribal print sweater.

"You're a doll." I smiled to him. The sweater was bigger than me which made it really comfy, and it also smelled of his cologne which was nice.

We both finished the rest of our coffees and threw them out in the trash. We left the Mcdonald's and walked back to the almost dead party. The remaining people were either passed out or throwing up. 

'Do you need a ride?" JC asked.

"Yeah... I forgot Kian drove me here." I wondered why he left without even texting me, maybe he knew I was with JC.

"Oh? Of couse he did. Come on let's go." I hopped in the car and shrugged off his previous statement, not knowing it could be a hint of jealousy.

I hopped in the shotgun seat and as JC turned on his car "Cake Boy" by Hoodie Allen came on. I loved this mixtape and I couldn't believe he had it.

"Eatin' up the cake watch it go right to your bottom" I playfully sang along.

"No way, you like hoodie?!" Said JC.

"Obvi!" I smiled to him.

We had a good 10 minute conversation about Hoodie Allen before we even started driving, I couldn't believe how much we had in common. We reached my house and JC hopped out first, came around and opened my door for me.

"Such a gentleman." I giggled to him.

"Hey, trying my best here." He said looking bashful.

He walked me to my front door and pushed a runaway hair behind my ear.

"It's amazing, you still look gorgeous even though you are wearing a man's sweater and having a drink poured over your head."

"I try to work with what I got." I striked a pose which made JC let out a chuckle.

"Well, I should probably check on the boys. Make sure they all got home okay. Text you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay." I smiled. He kissed me on the cheek and walked back to his car, I opened the door to my house and walked inside. I wish JC had given me some sort of goodnight kiss, but I guess a goodnight cheek kiss was alright too. I slipped off my shoes and quickly tippy-toed up the stairs. I slipped off my party clothes and hopped into some sweats. I took a makeup remover to my face, and put my nasty hair into a messy bun. As I planted myself in my bed I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was JC, and what a wonderful time we always seem to have. Soon after my eyes started to flutter shut, and I knew I could finally fall asleep happy for once.


Thanks for reading! Next chapter I'm going to switch up the POVs a little! 

Vote ♥

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