Chapter 6: How Many Beers Later

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2 weeks later and I had learned so much about the boys. One of the big things I had learned was that they were in a youtube collab channel. At first I didn't know what that meant at all but they explained it to me; they each make videos on youtube, and each one of the 7 posts a video on a certain day of the week. They also each had their own seperate channels. It was actually cool, they were getting paid to do something they love. They also each had a huge fan base, a lot of them had over 100,000 twitter followers, it was crazy. 

It was around 9 pm and I wanted to do something, I shot a bunch of people texts asking if they wanted to hang out. Kat and Ricardo were already hanging out, and I deffinitely did not want to third wheel on them. Kian was filming a video with JC, and even my siblings were occupied. After 20 minutes of searching through Netflix I got a text;

[Connor] Hey girl hey. Im with Sam, wanna hang out?

[Serena] Sure! Where? :)

[Connor] Sam's house, his parents are gone, we have beeeeer ;).

[Serena] Be there in half an hour!

I set my phone down on a near by coffee table and ran to my room. I slid into a pair of black jeggings and pulled over a sheer white chiffon blouse and paired it with a few gold bracelets as well as my black Toms. I sprayed my hair with a sea salt spray and shook it around, it created gorgeous beachy waves. I put on light makeup, but finished it with my classic nude lip. I scanned myself over in the mirror - decent. 

I drove on over to Sam's and noticed there were a few cars in the driveway so I parked on the street. I got out of my car, walked up to the house and opened the door. There was maybe about 15-20 people over, I guess Sam and Connor had invited a few over which was fine with me, I mean I do make friends pretty easily. 

"Serenaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I heard someone say, I turned my head towards the left and saw Sam.

"Hey Sam, hey Connor." I said back as I saw Connor walking towards me as well. Sam eagerly tossed a beer at me.

"Here you go m'lady" Sam slightly slurred.

"Well thank you kind sir!" I said while doing a sarcastic curtsey.

"So? Anyone gonna introduce me to your friends?" I added.

"Oh of course" Said Sam. "Forgot to mention it was a little get together, woopsie." He smirked.

About an hour and many new faces later I was actually having a blast. House parties were my favorite back home in New York, and well this wasn't a wild house party it was still a good time. Soon someone started to chant 'Truth or dare, truth or dare!' and I was so in. Everyone sat in a circle   and Connor placed an empty bottle in the middle and took the first spin, it landed on Sam.

"Truth or dare, Sammy." Connor asked.

"Dare me bitch" Answered Sam hastily. Connor had dared Sam to dump a tray of ice cubes down his pants for an entire minute, it was hilarious. After that the dares and the truths kept coming, most of the truths didn't really mean much to me since I barely knew the majority of the people there but it was still pretty funny most of the time. I got dared by one of the guys there named Jarrad to walk outside and down the street in my bra and underwear which I did with ease, and Connor also asked me the truth question of 'If you had to makeout with any girl in here who would it be' and of course I didn't know any of the girls too well except for one of the girls named Samantha who was a cute blonde who I had hung out with earlier, so I said her. The next time it landed on me of course I was then dared to makeout with Samantha.

About an hour and who knows how many beers later the alcohol started to hit me a bit but not too bad. I looked at my phone and noticed some texts.

[Kat] Hey mama, where you at? Me and Cardo just said bye to each other. 

[Kian] Sewena me and JC are done where are you?

I responded to both of them slightly drunk;

[Serena] Sams hsouse withconnor too partyy com!!!

About 30 minutes later I was deffinitely smashed. Connor was off doing god knows what with some red headed girl so I began to look for Sam. I stumbled up his stairs calling his name. I looked in both bathrooms, nothing, his bedroom, nothing. I opened the door to the spare room and saw Connor on top of that girl, oops! I ran back downstairs and thats when I saw Sam.

"Saaaaaam!" I said while throwing my arms around his neck.

"Hey hey!" He shot back.

I never noticed just how cute Sam was before, or maybe I was just drunk. Either way I was deffinitely vibing him, so my drunk self started half hugging him and giving him soft cheek kisses.

"Ahhhh Serena" He drunk-ly sighed. "I don't think we should ruin our potential friendship, plus I'm only really into no strings attatched sort of things right now." He said with a slight blush in his cheeks.

"Hey." I snapped. "I don't even want a boyfriend, and no strings attatched is my middle name." I slurred. "What if I'm okay with friends with benefits, hm?" This alcohol wasn't doing me any good right now. Say hello to slutty Serena.

"Well." He said as he moved in closer. "Then" he said as he lightly sucked on my collar bone, "you" he said as he moved up more "just need" he said while nibbling on my ear, "to say" licking my jawline softly "the word." And with the last two words his lips almost dropped onto mine when the door slammed open.



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