Chapter 18: To Anaheim

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A/N: I normally update sundays, but that cliffhanger was too much for even me! I'll still be updating this sunday btw, this is just a treat xo

“Girl let me love yoooouuu, until you learn, to love yourseeeeeeeelf.” JC sung to me in a silly voice.

“Hey, I do love myself, I’m a great person.” I giggled.

“Cocky, huh?” He winked to me while grabbing me around the waist.

“No, confident.” I said while planting a kiss on his lips.

“Well, I love your confidence.” He said in between kisses.

“You’re adorable.” I smiled.


“First, you move your hips like this.” Kian said while wobbling his hips side to side.

“Then, move your legs like this.” He continued.

“You know, when I said I wish I knew how to tango, it was sarcastic.” I giggled.

“Ah, but Serena, everyone needs to know how to tango.” He said in a goofy accent.

He carefully picked me up and danced me around the room; afterwards we fell down on the floor, bursting out laughing.


That was 3 days ago. 3 days ago, everything was perfect, everything was sane. JC made me happy, extremely happy, and Kian was turning out to be one of my best friends. Now look what I had done. Look at everything I ruined. The tears streamed down my face harder than they ever have before as I watched Kian open the car door.

“Man, how could you?” JC said in agony.

“How could I, how could fucking YOU? Look at her!” Kian screamed while looking in my direction.

“What the hell are you talking about bro?” JC piped up.

“Oh save it!” Kian said while turning to walk back towards me.

“Don’t walk away from me, you just hooked up with my fucking girl!” He screamed as he pushed Kian.

“Oh you fucking hypocrite…” Kian said as he rammed his fist against JC’s face.

I knew I should have tried to stop them, but I didn’t. I hopped into the driver’s seat and started the ignition. Both the boys looked at me and screamed my name but I kept going, I drove out of there. I knew it was wrong to kiss Kian, but JC really screwed me over, which is why I didn’t understand why he looked so hurt. I drove back to my house and switched out Kian’s car for my own. I quickly hopped in the front seat and headed for the nearest train station. I looked across the board and saw a flashing sign, the next train was to Anaheim. I had no idea where or what that was, but it was my next destination.

*JC’s POV*

“Oh you fucking hypocrite…” Kian said as he slammed his fist against my face.

Before I could return the favor I heard Kian’s car starting up, and a crying Serena driving away in it.

“Serena!” We both screamed simultaneously.

“Well you’ve fuckin’ done it now.” I said.

“What the hell? YOU are the one who slept with some broad.” He roared.

“What the fuck are you even talking about Kian.” I rolled my eyes.

“Why do you think she kissed me? She was hurt because YOU screwed her over.”

“I screwed her over? How about Jenna told me she saw you guys making out so I went to find her, and there YOU were, pulling HER shirt off.” I huffed.

“SHE saw some girl naked in your bed while you were showering JC, don’t lie to me.”

“What the hell? I would never.” My heart was beating extremely fast.

“Well, she saw it bro.”

“Oh my god… I left Jenna alone in my room… with my phone.” It all made sense now.

“Wait, so you didn’t screw her? She just made everything up.” He looked confused as well.

“We need to find her.” He sighed.

“No, I need to. You need to never touch her again.” I said as I walked away.

*Serena’s POV*

The train was practically empty. There was an old guy, who seemed to be wearing a business suit who reeked of whiskey, a mom and her kid, and an old lady who seemed to be about 70 years old. They were all giving me weird looks, and I can imagine why. I was a teenager, with mascara running down her face and outfit, who was also wearing a slutty red dress. I looked like every classic teenage basket case.

“Arriving in Anaheim.” An animated voice called out from the train speakers. I hustled out with the rest of the crew and looked around. I asked the guy at the front desk of the train station to call me a taxi, when it arrived I asked for the nearest hotel.

“Nearest is a little pricey m’lady.” He said.

I grabbed my wallet out of my clutch and peered at my emergency credit card, “That’s fine.”

We arrived at “The Island Hotel Newport Beach” and it looked really fancy. I got to the front desk to ask for a room, the total came to almost $250, I prayed my mom wasn’t going to kill me. A hotel worker escorted me to my room, it was extravagant.  It was almost sad yet ironic, here I was in some fancy hotel, probably the most gorgeous one I have ever been in, and I am alone, when tonight I was meant to spend the night in a hotel, just in LA, and with JC.

I grabbed my card key and headed down to the pool. It was outdoors, but the warm air made me want to take a dip. I looked around and noticed no one was out, so I slipped out of my dress into my bra and underwear and jumped in feet first. The water was warm yet cool, it was perfect. I swam around on my back and wiped away any excess mascara on my face. I was starting to really enjoy myself when I heard a chuckle from a few feet away. I looked up to see a tall dark and handsome boy looking down at me.

“Well hey.” He continued to chuckle. I looked down at myself in my bra and underwear and I am sure my face turned instantly red.


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