Chapter 17: The Other Condom

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A/N: So my reads haven't been updating so that's annoying but oh well! Hope you guys like this chapter, don't skip any lines because a LOT happens, 90210 inspired!

*Serena's POV*

It had been 2 weeks since JC spontaneously kissed me at the beach. The kiss was so amazing, even though half the beach saw it. I went from being super happy, to almost furious because we had talked about keeping it on the down-low, but then I realised he made me so happy, so I let it go.

In the passed 2 weeks JC and I had been acting like a couple, even though we weren't official or anything. Kian and I had also hung out a lot, we had this connection which was on a friendship level but there was also some physical attraction I mean, we had hooked up before, I guess.

JC and I were practically stalked by that short blonde girl from that one party that poured a drink on my head, she was seriously crazy. Something in my stomach gave me a bad feeling about her...


 "I'm ready." I breathed to JC on the phone.

"You, yo- you are?" JC stuttered.

"Yes. 100%." I smiled to myself.

"Babe, are you sure?" 

"JC, It's not like either of us haven't, and who knows if I will get to see you after this summer. I want to do everything right."

"Friday is going to be perfect...I'll text you babe."

"Bye babe!" I heard the phone click on his end, so I put my phone down.

I threw my hair up in a scrunchie and immediately called Kat to tell her the news. I knew I was ready, even though the only person I had ever slept with was Jake. JC made me so happy, I knew I was ready for this. I gabbed to Kat about the party friday night at some hotel, it was a congratulatory party for Trevor, one of the youtube boys, he had finally gotten his big break. JC was going to get a hotel room, and everything would be perfect. 

Friday rolled around and I woke up as if magic was in the air. I looked on my phone and saw a text from Kat saying "It might not be wednesday but it's definitely HUMP DAY for some people!!" I giggled and went downstairs for breakfast. 

Kian had called and asked me if I needed a ride to the party. JC was originally going to drive me, but I figured if Kian drove me, JC would be surprised by how hot I was going to look, so I accepted Kian's offer. As I was splitting a grapefruit in half Will strutted over to me.

"So" he said will giving me a slight wink and raising his brows.

"So...?" I said confused.

"I may have went in your room this morning to grab a hairbrush, and then I may have saw a text, and I mayhave read it... hump day Serena, really?" He said while laughing.

"Hey!" I said while lightly smacking him, "first, you're a snoop, second, can you say that any louder?!" I huffed.

"Hey calm down munchkin." He said while sliding a condom onto my lap. "I'm sure he will have one, but we both know the brain on that boy isn't the biggest." He joked around.

"Thanks... but I think he'll remember his." I said while handing it back to him. He grabbed the condom and walked to the sofa laughing.

9PM came and I was looking quite good. I was wearing a skimpy red dress, black pumps, my hair was down in loose waves, and I had a smokey brown eyemakeup on. Also, I was wearing a double pushup bra, gotta make the ladies look good! I got a text from Kian saying he was here so I walked outside to where I saw him greeting me. 

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