Chapter 7: Missed Call

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I quickly pulled away from Sam and smiled hearing the names of JC and Kian. I didn't know what it was that I liked about those two but I knew what I was about to do with Sam, probably shouldn't happen. Sam noticed me glancing over at the boys,

"Hey, my offer will still be here tomorrow, sweet cheeks." He said as he walked to the kitchen, probably to suck down a beer knowing he was just cock-blocked by two of his best friends.

"Ayyyy, theres the drunk lil gal." Said Kian as him and JC walked over to me.

"Hey." I slurred, "Tipsy lil gal."

"Whatever you say, Serena." JC chuckled.

"Where's Con?" Asked Kian.

"Upstairs with some red headed girl." I answered.

"Red headed girl? Felicia...?" Kian said looking at JC, his face seemed to be getting hot.

"Felicia?" I asked. Who the heck was Felicia and why was Kian getting angry over her.

"Hey, dude, calm." said JC. "There's plenty of gingers in Cali, might not be her."

"Who's Felicia?" I asked once again.

"A dumb ex." Replied Kian. Maybe this was the girl Kat said Kian fucked over?

"Where are they?" Asked JC.

"Spare room upstairs, but you might not want to barge in..." I said knowing what I had seen earlier.

"Oh, okay..." Kian trailed off.

I looked down at my phone, it was 1 am. My buzz was wearing off and I had sort of wanted to go home but I felt bad because JC and Kian had just got here.

"Hey, do you guys wanna go walk around outside? Maybe grab a late night bite?" I asked.

"Thanks Ser, but I think I'm going to stay here and check on this Felicia situation, JC you should go." Kian said while looking at him.

"Yeah sure, I'm kind of hungry anyways." JC said.

JC and I slipped back on our shoes and headed out the door. We walked around for about an hour and we just talked, it was actually really nice. He told me more about his youtube, and about how grateful he was for his fans. He showed me some of their @ replies on twitter and I started to wish I had some sort of fan group because they just said the sweetest things I had ever seen. I learned that he was just down in California for the summer like me, and he was living in San Antionio, Texas. I told him a little about my life too, living in NYC, my two siblings, and how I was glad to be in Cali for the summer because life had gotten messy for me in New York, but I didn't explain why and JC respected my privacy.

JC and I headed into the 24/7 Mcdonalds, and ordered a chocolate milkshake and a large fry each. Turns out that was both of our favorite combinations. We talked for another hour at the Mcdons, it was so easy talking to JC. Conversation flowed so nicely, and we surprisingly had a lot in common. We noticed it was nearing 3 AM and it was probably time to hit the hay, although to be honest I really did not want to.

JC's eyes sparkled against the chilly night sky as he dropped me off at my door step, I really wanted to kiss him but I knew this wasn't a date. This was just coincidental circumstances that had brought us together tonight.

"Well I had fun tonight, probably was a good idea we went off rather than hung around the party." I said.

"Oh yeah I totally agree!" He said and I smiled to him. "Well I should probably get going, pick up Kian, see if that was Felicia, you know all that jazz." He finished.

"Oh yeah, well goodnight!" I said as I opened the door to my house.

"Bye, Serena." He walked off to his car, I closed my door and let out a brief sigh.

I noticed Will was up, and watching TV. I slipped off my shoes and sat down beisde him on the couch.

"Will" I gave him a slight shake, "How was your night?"

"It was alright, I hung out with this cute girl, I don't know if she was into me though. Yours?"

"Wow, pretty much the same thing." I laughed.

"Hey, didn't know you had switched teams, Ser. I can give you her number?" He joked around.

"You know what I meant Will!"

"Oh, when I got home there was a message on the machine, it was for you..." He trailed off.

"A message for me on the answering machine? Who the hell even uses that thing anyways," I laughed.

"You might want to take a listen." He said while motioning to it. I walked over to it, noticed the flashing red '1' and pressed play. There was some rustling for a few seconds and then I heard;

"Serena, it's Jake."


Sorry this was kind of short! Next one will be action packed & much longer.

Ty for reading, please feel free to comment & vote ❤

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