Chapter 4: A Quick Dip

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JC and I were laughing having an amazing time at the bar. He ordered me a cosmopolitan, and himself a gin and tonic. He was that awkward kind of funny, but he was so cute. It was weird because I normally find myself going for the jock, big muscle, huge, tan boys who were more sexy than cute. But I saw something special in JC, we deffinitely needed to spend some more time together.

20 minutes later Kat came running up to us, she was slightly tipsy, while I had barely any alcohol in me. 

"Shots bitches!" Kat screamed, and I was so down.

I was leaning agaisnt the bar, feeling tippy and looking down the line of about 5 shots set up for us.

"1, 2, 3!" Kian and Kat said simultaneously. Kian, Kat, JC, Ricardo and I took a shot. Ricardo was a tall guy, maybe 6', he was mexican, had nice biceps and short curly black hair. I had been seeing Kat eye him up the entire night.

It was maybe 3 am and my vision was slightly distorted. My arm was hanging around JC as we both stumbled all over the club. I noticed Kat and Ricardo totally vibing off eachother, wow even though I was drunk my brain still noticed possible hookups in the making. I turned my head slightly to the left and noticed Connor totally making out with some girlin the club, they were both really sloppy so I assumed both were quite hammered. 

Some sexy house music turned on and I decided it was time to dance. I dragged Kat and JC onto the dancefloor and started dancing with JC. Slowly grinding my hips onto him, it was deffinitely not my most sexy dancing considering being drunk and all, but JC seemed to be having a pretty good time. In a flash I noticed I was no longer dancing with JC, but it seemed like Kian had pulled me over to him. My drunk self clearly did not have a problem with this seeing as I started grinding my hips into him as well. 

After the steamy dance sesh I managed to stumble over to the bathroom. My makeup was half off, great. I pulled a lipstick from my bag and re-touched. I pursed my lips and looked into the mirror, good as new. I made my way out of the bathroom and noticed Connor and Ricky. Ricky was slightly taller than Ricardo maybe 6'1 or 6'2. He had hisdirty blond hair flipped up like the majority of the boys did. His biceps were really nice too.

"Well hey there." I slurred.

"Oh hey Serena. We haven't officially met yet, I'm Ricky" He had a cute lisp.

"We might have to re-meet in the morning when I don't remember this night" I laughed.

"Classic Cali newbie." Said Kian as he walked over to us.

"Hey just because im new to Cali doesn't mean i've never drank!" I said while tapping on his nose.

"I think it's time to head home m'dear." Said Connor as he put his arm around me, walking me towards the front of the club. I was slightly embarassed that I was more drunk than them, but the fact that I had 3 cute boys escorting me out of a club seemed unreal. 

"Wheres Kat?" I managed to get out.

"Don't worry, Ricardo's with her, she'll be fine." Said Kian. I sighed.

40 minutes later all 9 of us were out of the club, accompanied by 2 other girls who were there too. We were walking back to the beach when connor said "SKINNY DIPPING." He grabs me, and runs towards the ocean. Do I? Oh fuck it Serena, you're drunk! Connor took his shirt off and it was beautiful. His abs looked like they had been engraved in stone. 

Sam, one of the boys I hadn't met yet was already in his boxers. He was about as tall as me, maybe an inch taller. He had more of a baby face then JC, and he was a pretty cute kid. He had longer dark brown hair, and bushy eyebrows to match. 

I looked around me and noticed something, every single of these boys had impecable abs. Every. Single. One. "Pick your jaw off the floor" Kat whispered to me as she took her top off, covered her boobs, and ran into the ocean. I noticed I was the last one into the water, I quickly took my top off, covered my girls, and sprinted into the ocean. We were all laughing and having an amazing time even though we were all pretty drunk. 

Connor swam over to me and gave me a playful wink. "Well hey there sexy" he let out. I didn't know what to do so I just dunked my body under the water. Earth to drunk girl, earth to drunk girl.. Don't drown please. I quickly pushed myself above water. 

"Looks like we got a lil fishy here!" Connor exclaimed.

"A fishy?" JC said as he swam over. I felt my facegetting red. he was standing beside me now. I looked to my right and saw Ricardo and Kat making out, and behind them was Kian, Sam, Ricky and the two club broads having a blast and splashing each other. 

"Good thing I like fish." said JC as he put his hand on my back. His hand was so warm even though we were in the cold ocean, it felt so nice. I quickly felt someone grab my leg and pull me under the water, I pushed my head up and looking me dead in the eye I saw Kian's beautiful face.

"Well hello darlin." he smiled. He lifted me onto his shoulders and started walking around in the water. Can we pause for a minute? My first night in Cali I am skinny dipping with 6 of the hottest guys I have ever seen in my life, I so can't wait for tomorrow night. Kian pulled me away further back into the ocean to the point where just our heads were bobbing above water.

"Atleast here theres no sand for you to trip over, hm?" he said while laughing and nudging me in the rib.

"Hey! It's not my fault im clumbsy." I said while giving im a light splash.

"Well it's not your fault your so cute but you just are." My face was probably turning red right now. I felt him getting slightly closer to me. "Oh, stop." I said while turning my head in the other direction.

"Hey, it's true." He said while looking in my eyes, his face got slowly closer to mine and he kissed me twice on the neck. I softly put my hand onto his face and he pushed us both in the water. He ran his hands up my body and leaned in for an on the mouth kiss. He slowly slipped some tongue into my mouth and I did the same.

Was I really making out with one of the beach hotties right now? Thank you California!


Ty for reading. Vote please ♥

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