Chapter 10: Beers, Boys and a Beach

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It was after dinner and I was excited to see what Kat had in store for us. I brought a bunch of random clothes to her house because with her, you never knew how to dress for her surprise occasions. I climbed up her front steps and rang the bell. She greated me with a wide smile and her clasic "mama!" We went up to her room and by this point I was way too excited, I didn't even know what it was, it could be a movie night in for god's sake.

"SO?" I had to say it.

"Well." She giggled. "I know we have been spending a lot of time with Kian and his boys, but I thought we should take a break. I mean I love Kian, but you didn't come to Cali to spend every waking moment with them, right!" She ended.

"Okay, right. So, what the plan girl?!" I spat out.

"Well my friend Dan is having a bonfire tonight, there will be so many cute guys to choose from, and they are all locals! Beers, boys and a beach, what more could a girl ask for?" She said.

I was actually excited. Kat was right, I had barely hung out with any guys that weren't Kian, JC or their friends, so it is probably time to meet new people, I mean I am here for the whole summer. And thinking about JC last night as more than a friend was just too crazy, tonight will get my mind off of all of that. Now I could hardly wait!

The bonfire started at 9 and we had a few hours to talk and get ready. Before we got ready we walked to the closest liquor sotre and bought some girly coolers. Once we got back we started to get ready. I paired light wash high waisted denim shorts with a green light knit sweater, and my black vans. I curled my hair then put it into a high pony tail with a black scrunchie, and did my makeup with a dark brown smokey eye and my classic nude lip. Once we were ready to go, we headed out the door. It was only a 15 minute walk to the beach where the bonfire was being held. There was around 40 people there when we had arrived, and from the looks of it I did not know a single person. Kat had spotted her friend Dan and we walked over so we could meet. Dan had shaggy blonde hair, quite tan skin, and sparkling blue eyes. Blonde guys were normally not my type but he was pretty cute.

"Hey, i'm Serena." I extended my hand.

"Dan! Nice to meet you. I hope you have fun tonight." He smiled and subtle-y checked me out.

"I will! Just need to introduce myself to more people." I laughed.

"You new to Cali?" He asked.

"Yeah, I've been here for almost 3 weeks, and i'm here for the rest of the summer." I smiled.

"Ah no way! Well hey, I gotta go catch up with some people, but I'll find you in a bit and introduce you to some of my friends!" And with that he was off to some other people.

Kat and I walked around the beach and within 40 minutes we finished our coolers, luckily there were plenty of boys with beer around. We had found 3 boys named Blair, Austin and Luke who were all extremely attractive and extremely fun to hang around. Blair was about 6'3 and had short black hair, he wore khaki pants, blue vans and a grey t-shirt. Austin was only slightly taller than me at 5'8, he had short dirty blonde hair which was flipped up, and he was wearing an OBEY sweatshirt with khaki pants and a gold chain. Luke in my opinion was the cutest of them all, he was about 6' and was pretty tan. His facial features looked almost identical to Matt Lanter (Liam in 90210) and he wore khaki's too with red vans and a black v-neck shirt. Damn those boys like there khakis, but it's alright because they all actually pulled them off.

By around 11 I had a pretty good buzz going. Kat was nowhere to be found and I was hanging out with Luke and Austin.

"So, how's NYC compared to Cali?" Asked Austin.

"Well, It's veeeeeeeery different." I stressed the very. "You guys are so relaxed and chill here, where back home everything is go go go." I finished.

"Man, I'd hate that." Chuckled Luke.

"Right! Dude, Cali is where it's at, you should just stay here." Austin said with a wink.

"I'd actually love to, doubt that would ever happen though." I laughed at the thought. I felt my phone vibrating so I looked down.

[Kat] Where you at mama? I just ran to the store and got, you ready, VODKA! 

[Kian] What you doing tonight? :)

I responded to Kat telling her where we were, but I decided not to reply to Kian. Kat said this was a night free from them right, I guess I would text him in the morning saying I left my phone at home. 5 minutes later Kat had found us, and 1/3 of the vodka bottle found its way into her stomach already, Austin, Luke and I couldn't help but laugh. Kat mixed herself a drink and Blair had joined us. The boys grabbed themselves each a beer and Kat tossed me the vodka bottle, we decided to have a toast.

"Here's to beer!" Austin, Blair and Luke said together.

"Here's to boys!" Kat slurred while raising her cup

"To the beach!" I said as I took a swig out of the vodka bottle.

 About 20 minutes later the majority of the beach was hammered. It was around 1 am and we were not about to stop partying. Kat was off flirting with some guy down the beach while I was with Austin, Luke, Blair and Samantha, who was the blonde girl I had hung out with at Sam's party. "Cmon" by Ke$ha was playing and that was my drunk jam.

'I don't wanna go to sleep
I wanna stay up all night
I wanna just screw around
I don't wanna think about
What's gonna be after this
I wanna just live right now'

I grabbed the bottle and sung along with the song and Samantha chimed in too. The boys and us were laughing and having such an amazing time. I knew California was a good time no matter what. After awhile Luke had pulled me down the beach, we walked by the turquoise water and cozzied up on a log. He reached in his pocket and pulled something out, it was too dark to make out what it was so I just raised an eyebrow.

"Never seen a pipe before?" Asked Luke. Oh, it was a marijuana pipe, great now I just look stupid.

"Oh yeah I have, just couldn't see it." I answered.

"Oh cool, do you smoke?" He asked.

"Not very often, only at some parties really with my friends." I decided to be honest.

"Well looky, were at a party." He winked and nudged me in the ribs.

"Wanna give it a go?" He continued.

"Sure." I smiled.

Luke placed the bud into the bowl, and lit it up. I placed my mouth on the other end and did my thing. Luke and I probably went through almost a full gram together, we were drunk and baked, this was my first time being "crunk", I laughed at the fact that I had said crunk to myself. 

"What's so funny?" He asked with a goofy face.

"I don't know, I'm high." I answered with a subtle giggle.

"Ever kissed someone high?" Luke asked with his eyes beet red and half open.

"No-" I was cut off by Luke's lips before I could even trail off.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, and he wrapped his along my lower back. He slightly opened his mouth and lightly slid his tongue in, and I did the same. I started to run my fingers through the back of his hair, and he ran his hand over my backside. Luke slowly lowered me onto the sand, and lifted my shirt up just passed my belly button and kissed my stomach. We continued making out when a wave crashed beside us and soaked us.

We couldn't help but laugh.


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