Chapter 12: Scratches

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A/N: Guys 2,000+ reads? Tysm! I am still taking applications to be a girl in future chapters so go look at the authors note on the top of the last chapter to see what you need to do. Thanks again ♥

"Yeah?" JC and I said simultaneously.

"Didn't know you two were gonna be here today, and hey, Ser, you never answered my text last night." Said Kian. Ah shit I totally forgot about that.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I went out with Kat and left my phone at home, I forgot to text you this morning, sorry." Hey it was only half a lie, right ?

"Hey, no worries! So what are you two doing today?" He asked.

"Just hanging out really." JC answered while itching the back of his neck. I felt my phone vibrate and as I checked it the boys carried on a conversation.

[Kat] Mama! So I thought I would run over to JC and Ricardo's to surprise you but you had already left! Anyways, Ricardo was with Kian and while I was using the bathroom they were talking about you!!

I glanced up at Kian then replied;

[Serena] And?? What did they say!

[Kat] Kian said you were gorgeous! I couldn't hear all of the conversation, but I heard something about a date!!

[Serena] OMG. Kat, Kian is with me right now, he came up to JC and I!

[Kat] ooo JC ? ;)

[Serena] We'll talk later ohkayyyy ;)

I put my phone away and watched the two boys chat with each other. Did Kian want to ask me on a date? Well, what about JC. I am starting to really like him, oh god, I don't even know.

"Um, I should probably go." I spat out. The two boys looked at me.

"Noooo." Whimpered JC.

"Pwease stay." Said kian as him and JC gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Hmph okay..." I trailed off. "Well, what do you guys wanna do?" 

"Shopping!" Blurted Kian.

"Shopping?" I giggled. Back home most boys don't like shopping.

"Yeah, I can show you two all the cool Cali stores." Kian said with a wink.

And with that we were off, our first store was Urban Outfitters. I helped pick out the boys some really cute shirts, and they were both super fun to hangout with. I picked JC out this striped white and pale blue tank and for Kian a black tshirt that had a pocket with a picture of a kitten. The boys picked me out the most ridiculous stuff to try on, they had me wearing leopard print pants, black creepers and a big green knit sweatshirt, like what? I convinced the boys to buy both of their shirts but I decided to pass on their outfit selections for myself. 

"Hey, Menchies?" JC said.

"I LOVE MENCHIES!" I practically screamed.

"Well, damn." Smirked Kian.

We had head off to Menchies, it was seriously my most favorite dessert place. I always got the cake batter flavour, with sprinkles, cookie dough chunks, chocolate chips, 1 brownie piece and a bunch of maraschino cherries. The boys got some really odd combinations I thought to myself as I saw JC drenching his strawberrys with caramel sauce.

"Who even likes that?" I giggled.

"Weirdos!" Said Kian.

"Hey now, It's good, try it." JC said as he inched his spoon closer to my face.

"Noooo!" I yelped.

"C'mon!" He said as he held it outside of my mouth, so I opened up and he pushed the spoon in. I watched as Kian gave JC an odd look.

"You know," I said as I swallowed it. "Not too bad." 

"Ah." Said JC as he looked down at his phone. "I need to go somewhere for a bit, are you two good here?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. I didn't really want JC to leave but I knew I was fine with Kian. JC got up and left really quickly, I wondered what it was he was going to do.

"That was kinda weird." I laughed.

"Yeah, I think he was just going to buy some we-" Kian was interrupted by 3 boys walking into the store.

"Heyyyyyyyyy! Serena!" They all said. Oh, it was Blair, Austin and, oh god, Luke. I had been ignoring his texts all day. I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket so maybe he would think I didn't have it.

"Hey, Blair!" Kian said to him. Hm, they must be friends. Blair gave him a wave.

"This a date?" Winked Austin.

"Ooooh a date." Luke said as he rubbed his hand on my shoulder.

"No we were just with someone but he had to go." I Said.

"How do you know Blair?" Kian asked to me.

"Oh, we met at a party last night." I said.

"Yeah, it was a reaaaaally good time." Luke said as he looked at me. I started feeling really nervous and awkward, I was pretty sure my face was getting paler by the second. I touched my leg up agaisnt Kian's under the table so he could tell I was uncomfortable.

"Oh that's where you were at!" Smiled Kian. He wasn't getting my hints.

"You guys gonna get anything?" I said to the three hoping they would get their treats and I could ask Kian to leave.

"Yeah." They said while getting up and going to the back of the store. 

"Kian." I whispered. "Can we go?" He raised a brow.

"Luke makes me uncomfortable..." I trailed off.

"Why? Did he try some shit at the party last night?" His cheeks were turning red and he stood up and stared at Luke.

"Hey, Luke." He yelled. Luke walked over and gave him an odd look. 

"No, no." I whispered to Kian but he didn't hear me.

"How about you don't try shit on Serena? Okay? Fuckin Skeezeball." He muttered.

"Why would I need to try anything when she clearly liked it." Said Luke staring me dead in the face.

"What?" Replied Kian.

"Yeah, I wasn't trying to hookup with her, we did. And by the look of these marks," He said while turning around and pulling down the neckline of his shirt to reveal intense scratch marks.

"She liked it."


Tysm for reading ♥ Please comment / vote. 

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