Chapter 9: Skater Girl

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I woke up on a soft saturday afternoon. I was hoping today would be more easy due to last nights affairs. All I could really think about was JC, his perfect hair, adorable smile, and his charming personality. I wanted to text him asking to hangout but Kat always told me to wait for the guy to text first, I stared at my phone for a few seconds and decided against it. 

I sat up and did a nice cat stretching motion, slipped on my slippers, and walked to the kitchen. Will was making eggs and bacon, and Charlie was pressing waffles. Although breakfast smelled delicious, I couldn't bring myself to eat. I looked outside the window, it was a beautiful sunny day, and I wanted to try something new.

"Hey Will, can you skateboard?" I asked.

"No sorry Serena, but I saw a skate shop a few blocks away, maybe you could find someone there." He replied.

An hour later and after a petite breakfast I had dressed myself and decided I was going to buy a skateboard and teach myself. I grabbed my black vans, put them on, and headed out. I found the skateshop on google maps on my phone and I was just following the directions, along the way I had seen a few skaters, it looked like so much fun. I always have wanted to learn but skateboarding in New York is not very common, especially in the city. 

I arrived at the shop and looked around. It was so cool inside, posters everywhere, skateboard designs, and wheels in different colors. The man at the front was wearing a striped black tank top, and had matching black gauges. He seemed pretty cool, so I walked over to the counter.

"Hi, so, I want to learn how to skateboard. I can probably teach myself I just need a board." I said.

"Oh, awesome. Well I can start you off with a beginners board, it'll only be around 30 bucks. As for learning, YouTube has some great tutorials." He replied.

"Ah perfect! Ill take the beginners board then." I said with a smile. He grabbed me one and gave me a cute sticker to put on the bottom too. I exited the store with my new board. I probably looked pretty strange just carrying it around, but I didn't want my first time on it to be infront of random people. I started walking back near my house when I saw a familiar face in the distance, they were also skateboarding. I walked a bit faster so I could see who it was, and it was JC. I didn't know he skateboarded?

"Hey! Serena!" He practically yelled.

"JC!" I said with a wide smile.

"I didn't know you could skateboard?" He said as he stepped off of his board.

"Well.." I trailed off. "I actually wanted to learn, so I just bought this a few minutes ago." I felt a bit embarassed.

"Hey, I can teach you! I might take a bit to get the hang of it, but I know you can do it." Agh, he was so cute.

'Oh really? That's perfect. I was just going to go try by myself, we can always do it some other time though." I said.

"Oh no, now is great!" He said.

JC skated while I had walked over near my house, we figured the streets would be the best so I could get the hang of just riding around for now. It took me awhile just to even keep my balance on the thing, and I had fallen a few times which was mortifying.  After going straight I needed to learn to turn, which was a whole new story. Even though falling was embarassing, just being around JC made me feel so good. I hadn't felt the butterflies about anything since Jake, and now I finally had. I had to admit, I was sort of scared. I didn't like JC tremendously, but I deffinitely had a crush. He was just perfect, and how much of a coincidence is it that as I buy a skateboard, there he is. Like, what? I think this is the heavens trying to tell me something. 

"Well, after 5 bruises I think maybe I should call it quits for today." I laughed at myself.

"Hey, you did good though. Were for sure doing this again soon!" He said as he put his hand on my shoulder. 

"Yes we are! Thank you so much for trying to help me though." I gave him a big hug. As soon as I tried to release from the hug he stared into my eyes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Well, that was unsuspected. No one in NYC ever kissed on the cheeks, but I liked this one. I started to slightly blush.

"Oh sorry." He chuckled, probably noticing my surprised face.

"No, no." I laughed. "It was nice." I smiled but kept looking at the ground.

"Hey, it's only 4. Do you wanna grab something to eat or something?" I asked.

"I'd love to but Kian asked to hang out, if we do anything tonight I'll text you?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." I smiled.

"I'll see you around Serena." He said as he looked at me and rubbed my shoulder and skated off.

Damn, those butterflies. Was I actually developping feelings for JC? I couldn't. He lived in Texas, I lived in NYC, things like that just don't work out... ever. I was starting to get depressed thinking about my heart breaking again, so I snapped out of it. I needed something to do, something to get my mind off boys and problems. I texted Kat;

[Serena] Kat, SO bored. What you up to?

[Kat] MAMA! I got plans tonight! Come over after dinner!

I texted her back saying sure. I was excited to see what Kat had in store for me, usually if she had something planned, it was going to be good. 


Sorry for updating so late!
Ty for reading, please comment & vote  ♥

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