Chapter 40: The Return

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A/N: And now we are back to the story's current time (after chapter 38)! Hope you guys are all enjoying.



I held Serena’s hand as we both sat together on the plane back to California. Serena had just dozed off and I was texting the boys in the group chat planning a party for Serena’s return. 

[Sam] Is it possible to pull Kat out of rehab for the night? I’ve never seen Serena at a party without her. 

[Connor] I feel like they don’t let patients out of rehab… especially not to party. 

[Ricky] Sam you are a lot of stupid!

[Sam] Serena would’ve been happier with Kat but if you pussys don’t wanna bust her out it’s fine.

[JC] We need to do something big we haven’t partied in forever!

[Kian] Three B’s! Bongs, beer bongs, jager bombs.

[Ricky] Strobe light! 

[Connor] And lots of liquor.

[JC] We’ll be home in a few hours, is it possible to have this thing rolling by the time we get back?

[Kian] Oh fuck yeah! I already got a beer in me.

[JC] No one let him drive ok? 

Serena woke up and seemed in a haze. She kind of just rolled her head onto my shoulder as the lights of the plane all came on at once.

“Oh my eyes.” She groaned.

“I hope you enjoyed your nap, you’ll need it.” I said and she raised an eyebrow.

“Party?” She said and perked up.

“In honor of you my dear.” I smiled.

We gathered our carry-ons from the plane and got off. Serena had me bring back a few suitcases of her clothes so she had selection before the other half of her stuff got mailed back over. Her mom was pretty disappointed she was leaving New York but understood she was an adult and could make her own choices. I felt bad I was taking her away from her family, especially her younger sister. I tried not to feel too guilty but I was just so happy to have her with me. 

We stopped off at Connor and I’s condo so Serena could touch up her makeup and we could both change out of our sweatpants. The party was at Kian and Sam’s new house they just got together so it was sure to be a blast. After we fixed ourselves up we got in the car and headed to the party. 

As soon as we walked in the strobe lights were going crazy, this was sure to be a good night. 


Lights were flashing everywhere in this party and there was a lot more people here than expected. The only thing that was missing was Kat. JC told me on the plane that she had been admitted to rehab. I knew the situation with the ADHD medication started midway for the summer but I guess it got really bad when I had left for New York.. 

“WELCOME HOME!” Sam, Kian, Connor and Ricky screamed at me before my shoes were even off.

I hugged every single one of them and was immediately happy to be back, Kian hugged me tighter than the rest.

“You, me and this beer bong NOW!” Kian yelled while holding one up, he was hammered.

I laughed and gave JC  a smile before following him. Some guy I barely knew poured a corona into the beer bong and Kian and I both funneled it. I got up and wiped my mouth while laughing.  Before I had a chance to catch my breath Connor and JC approached us with a bunch of shots. 

“Skittles vodka!” Connor chimed.

“Are you guys trying to get me hammered?” I laughed. 

“Only a little” JC winked.

We each took a different flavoured shot, I got grape. It was definitely a lot better than taking just a regular shot. It was so weird partying again though, but it didn’t feel the same without Kat – she probably would be blackout by now. 

JC and some of his other friends went to the backyard to smoke some weed so I just stayed in and made myself a drink in the kitchen. My new favourite drink combination was strawberry lemonade, sprite, vodka and a lime wedge.

“What the fuck is that?” Kian laughed probably referring to my pink drink.

“THIS is a Serena special." 

“Special drink for a special girl.” Kian gleamed.

“Oh you’ve always been too nice.” I smiled. 

JC walked up and slid his hand around my back, his eyes glazed over in red. He started spitting on and on about this image he saw outside but Kian and I came to the conclusion he was just too high. We all went to the middle of the living room and just started making funny faces in the strobe lights. The night became more hilarious with each and every drink; it made me question why I even went back to New York in the first place.

We all danced for what seemed like hours. I tried to forget about the fact that I would soon need to find a job and get a place of my own.

It was now 2AM and everyone was pretty drunk. 2AM is usually the hour the real drugs come around but I decided to just stick with my regular alcohol. I noticed Kian was mixing himself a drink in the kitchen and placed a small pill on the counter. 

“You know your pretty fucked up already, you probably don’t need that.” I giggled and took the pill off the counter.

“You’re probably right.” He slurred and placed his hand on my hip.

“Serena, let me ask you something.” He said as he moved in closer and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

“Did you really come here just for JC?” He asked. 

“Well JC and everyone, you know I love Cali.” I answered.

“I mean… is there a possibility you felt anything for you know anyone else?”

I kind of began blushing immediately knowing what he was trying to get at. My mind immediately went back to the steamy car kiss we had shared. Something had always attracted me to Kian, he was the first person I met here and I couldn’t help but not feel physically attracted to him.

I felt myself leaning in a lot closer to him than I should.

I mentally slapped myself in the face and pulled back immediately. I had just came back on a plane with JC. What the fuck was I doing?

“I-I just should really find JC.” I said and scuffled away, cheeks redder than ever.

I made my way through the crowd of drunk people and tried to find my boyfriend.


#Kerena or #Jerena? LOVE YOU GUYS <3 By the way ive been replying to comments a lot lately!

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