Chapter 34: Drunk Mistake

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A/N: Here is a big juicy dramatic chapter that I know you all have been yearning for! And like I said at the end of one of my chpaters, I know summer is coming to a close but the story does not end when summer does, so no need to worry. Enjoy everyone, kisses xo 

"Who is Carter?" JC asked as I pressed the phone further into my ear.

"What?" I asked not knowing what to say at all.  

"Who is fucking Carter?!" JC practically screamed into the other end.  

** The Day Before **  

I pressed the silk napkin into the corners of my mouths attempting to get any excess food off. I looked across my lunch table to see Carter who looked a lot happier than he ever did. He slowly dropped his fork onto his plate and looked across at me as well.   

"Big day tomorrow." He smiled at me.  

"For you, yes." I replied, faintly smiling back at him.  

"Yes!" He screamed excitedly, "trustfunds, bonds, birthday party, Ben..." he trailed off.  

"You're going to be bringing Ben to your party?" I asked, "your dad is sure going to be in shock."

 "Good, maybe he will have a heart attack." Carter said as he starred at his empty plate.  

"You don't mean that." I retorted.  

"You're right, I don't. I just wish he wasn't such an asshole, like its 2013. Gay is perfectly ok is it not? It's fine I guess, tomorrow I'll be a millionaire and I will be bringing my boyfriend to my party where I can rub him in my father's face. Benjamin is a perfectly nice guy and you know what Serena, I think I love him, I really do." Carter said and I was almost in shock. Carter seemed like an ass at first but I always knew he had feelings, Ben was a lucky guy.  

"Who knew you would go from tricking me into thinking we slept together to you telling me you love your boyfriend." I chuckled.  

"Yeah, my apologies again.." He said while scratching the back of his neck.  

"Speaking of boyfriends though," he continued, "how are you and yours?"   

"Were good. I have been feeling so guilty lately, I know I have to tell him about you but, it's hard. Were supposed to go to a end of summer party tomorrow." I sighed.  

"Ah, Friday is a big day for us both then. But, why tell him about us? We never really dated, and sure we kissed a few times but as you know doll, I'm gay." He almost began to giggle.  

"I just feel like I need to. I think I'm going to tell him after the party, I won't be able to function properly if I don't."  

"I'm sure he will understand, I mean Ben did mind at first you and I but he knew I wasn't interested in you like that, so it never got in the way." He smiled at me while pushing his hair back.   "Hopefully." I gulped while taking a sip of my water.  

The rest of the day way quite boring, I needed it to myself. JC and the boys were filming videos for Youtube so I just went home to Mom, Will and Charlie. It was a Thursday so none of them were terribly busy, I needed a catch-up day any ways. Will and I talked about the friendships we made in California, he also told me about a few girls he thought were cute but he wished he found a love like JC's and mine. I refrained from telling him about The Escort Society because I didn't want my brother to think I was some sort of whore, even though it was nothing like that. Charlie told me her favourite thing about California was that she added a lot of new seashells to her collection and that she was going to miss being so close to the beach, I told her I agreed.   

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