Chapter 22: Knock Em' Dead

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A/N: Ah so many Kerena and Jerena fans! Thank you all for taking so much interest in my story! ♥

*Kian's POV*

I swished my feet around in the sand and shifted myself on a log. I was so conflicted with myself. I really liked her, but JC was one of my best friends, I couldn't do that to him - I shouldn't have done that to him. I told JC I had been drinking that night, and I had, but barely any which would have influenced my decisions. She had just looked so vulnerable yet so beautiful, she looked like she needed me, and then she kissed me. I couldn't resist it, but now I have caused all of this mess. If I would have just given her some Kleenex and driven her home she wouldn't be out of town doing god knows what. I stared out into the ocean as a figure joined me on the log.

"Hi." Serena looked at me.

"Serena! Oh my god! Hello!" I choked out. I couldn't believe it, what was she doing here?

"You had me scared to death." I continued.

"We need to talk about what happened." Her eyes darted around the beach.

"Yeah, we do." I said as I inched further away from her, trying to create distance. I wanted to open my mouth and tell her how I felt. How I was starting to fall for someone I barely knew, even though it was wrong. I was hoping she would say the same thing; that she liked me too, but then she opened her mouth.

"It was clearly a mistake." She looked down.

My heart sank immediately. I couldn't tell if the sound I was hearing was the crashing of the waves or the crashing of my heart inside of my body.

"Yeah, a total mistake..." I trailed off.

"You were drunk and I wasn't in my right mind. It obviously wouldn't have happened otherwise, and we hurt JC in the process. But were okay right? Like still friends?" She raised a brow and slightly smiled.

"Of course." I smiled through the pain, she might be okay but I definitely wasn't.

"Alright, I should go. We will hangout soon though, I promise." She smiled and walked away to a nearby truck. As the truck pulled away I kicked some sand. I needed a drink, I felt my back pocket and noticed my wallet wasn't in there; I had left it at JC and Ricardo's.

I opened the door to their condo and strolled inside. Ricardo and JC were both on the sofa watching TV. I motioned to my wallet meaning I had forgotten it, they both nodded. I grabbed it off the counter and made my way to the door. I opened it half way and turned to JC,

"She's back, by the way." I shifted my gaze away.

"What?" He asked.

"Serena. She came up to me on the beach earlier, said everything was a mistake, I agreed. Just thought I would let you know." I continued out the door when JC spoke up,

"Thanks, Kian. Sorry I was being a jerk before, I know you don't like her or anything, I was just upset. I'm sorry for blowing up." He said.

"Hey, it's fine, don't worry about it." I managed to curl up a smile and walked out the door.

*Serena's POV*

I climbed inside Tyler's truck feeling somewhat better than I had before.

"So, how was that?" He put his hand on my back.

"Actually, it wasn't bad at all. We are still friends, we agreed it was a mistake, everything is fine!" I smiled even though I was unsure if what I had said was actually true.

"That's awesome Ser! Now, I'm going to buy you the biggest bowl of ice cream you can eat. How does that sound?" He made a goofy face and put his hands on the wheel.

"That sounds perfect." I smiled.

An hour later we were sitting on a pier and I had a big banana split in my hands. Every once in a while Tyler would take little bites, and then I would threaten to throw him into the water. I looked out into the water, sighed, and took another bite of my treat.

"You know, everything will be okay eventually." He tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I don't know why you are so sweet to me, Ty." I smiled. "We just met but I feel like I can tell you anything and everything, I am so happy I took the train to Anaheim that night." I continued.

"I'm happy you took the train that night too, Serena, I just wish it was under different circumstances." He slightly giggled and dug his spoon into my ice-cream. I set the ice cream on his lap meaning he could have it.

"Oh, I was just kidding Ser, it's all yours." He said.

"No, it's fine." I giggled. "Mint chocolate chip is my favourite anyways."

"Then, why didn't you get mint chocolate chip?" He laughed.

"Memories..." I trailed off. I reminisced back to when JC and I first ordered the ice-cream together; those were the times I missed. I looked around the pier and realised something.

"Do you mind if I go do something?" I said as I got up.

"You knock em' dead girl." He winked and shoo'd me away.

My adrenaline was pumping as I began a sprint. Twenty minutes later I had turned up at JC's condo. I took a deep breath, covered the peep hole and knocked on the door. JC opened the door and his eyes widened and he looked me over.

"Listen, please. I know you don't want to see me, but I want to see you, I need to see you." I huffed almost out of breath.

"This summer has been amazing because of you, and summer isn't over and I don't want us to be over. I can't let a dumb mistake pull us apart! You don't understand how happy you make me JC, and I haven't been happy in a long time." I took a pause to see if he was going to close the door, but he just stood there. Tears started streaming down my face, but I continued on.

"When I am with you, I feel so good about myself. When I am with you, I can't help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world, When I am with yo-" My speech was cut off by JC's lips crashing onto mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine behind his neck and continued the kiss. He pulled away and wiped a tear from my cheek.

"I forgive you."


eeeeep!?!?! How do YOU feel about this?

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