Chapter 38: 3000 to 0

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My speed increased as I saw the elevator doors closing. JC was on the other side so he couldn't even notice me running towards him. With every step the doors slowly moving in, and my chances lessening. My heart sank as the elevator doors fully sealed themselves. I looked to my right and saw the building stairs and realized I could still make it. Being only on the 4th floor I really thought I could outrun the elevator, or at least come in a pretty close second. I whipped the door open and began my sprint down the flights of stairs. Not even thinking I could potentially sprain an ankle or break a leg as I started skipping steps.  

I reached the lobby and saw JC almost heading outside. I quickly grabbed a pen off of one of the desks and threw it directly at his head. Bull's-eye.  


I got in the elevator and the doors shut. I felt awful, her face when she saw me just looked so happy. A face she probably hadn't worn in a while. I had to admit for the brief seconds I held her it felt nice, but just looking at her face caused me such pain. Could I ever forgive her? I wasn't sure. It's hard when someone you loved breaks your trust, your heart and mind then start wanting two completely different things.  

I shook my head of my thoughts and realized I hadn't even pressed the lobby button yet. With a slight push of the button I wished the doors would re-open and take me back to the times when Serena and I were still perfect. Unfortunately the doors opened, and it was just the lobby. I sighed and walked towards the exit. As I got closer to the door I felt something hit me in the back of the head. I spun around and saw a much out of breath Serena. Had she just raced my elevator? A part of me wanted to laugh, that's the Serena I remember. 

I rubbed my head and started walking towards her and she did the same.  

"You couldn't of just yelled my name?" I laughed softly. 

"Oh, I didn't think of that..." She chuckled and looked down. 

"But listen," She huffed, placing her hand on her waist probably pinching a cramp. 

"What you just pulled now is some bullshit! But, what I pulled...with Carter... is some bigger bullshit. But what isn't bullshit is that I love you, and I know you love me. Could you imagine if every couple let incidents come between them, there wouldn't be any couples JC! I need you. We have been dating for only a short amount of time, but you have put more effort into me then my 2 year relationship ever was. When I think about you, everything in the world feels sane. Everything feels like it is right." She stopped talking to take a few more breaths. 

"Serena-" I began. 

"No! Let me finish. I will never love anyone like I love you. I hear your name and I drink it up  like I have never tasted water in my life. I don't know how exactly I can make this up to you but I will. I can write you letters every morning filled with apologies, I can leave I love you notes on your skateboard, I can bring you Taco Bell at your every beck and call! I will prove to you just how much I love you." She faintly smiled. 

"Those things sound amazing, but can I ask you to do something else?" I asked. 


"Come back to California with me." 

"R-really?" She looked stunned. 

"Come back to California with me and we can work things out. Everything you said about me, I feel about you too. You may have hurt me but I now realize just how much I mean to you. Come back to California with me." 

"Thank you JC, thank you." Her eyes began to water and she hugged me ever so tightly.  

"Oh Jeez." She said as she looked up at the lobby clock. I gave her a puzzled look. 

"My mom sent me to bring food to the neighbor like ten minutes ago." She paused, 

"Would you like to eat dinner with my family?"  

"Of course." I smiled. 

I really wasn't hungry at all since I was just previously at the café but I had nothing else to do and I figured saying no could have set back the conversation we just had. I grabbed her hand and we made our way to the elevator, I assumed she didn't want to take the stairs again. My mind started flowing with thoughts of how I was going to convince her mother that she should let me take her baby girl across the country, possibly for good. I mean Serena was a legal adult, she could so as she pleased but I'm sure her mom isn't too pleased with me currently.  

"So you pulled some poetry out of that mouth with that whole water metaphor." I laughed. 

"I've been reading John Green books." She joined me in my laughter.  

I paused in my laughter, "Is your brother going to hit me?" 

"Luckily for you he isn't that kind of guy." She giggled.  

As we sat in the elevator I began thinking about how this could all play out. Bad scenarios and good ones running through my mind. I figured she would probably stay with Kat for her first bit of time back in California. I think we need to spend time together and apart. As much as I want to spend every moment with her I know we need some space. But the space from California to New York was way too much space. Almost 3000 miles of it.  

As I looked over at the beautiful brunette beside me I just knew we could mend things in time.


Sorry this chapter is short, I was meaning to write more but I had to run and I figured you would rather something than nothing. Love you guys. 480,000+ reads is rediculous.


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