Chapter 25: The Escort Society

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A/N: Thank you guys for 35,000+ reads! You guys rock ♥ Please note weekly updates will be on Mondays from now on rather than Sundays. xox.

“One of Kat’s…..friends?” I asked confused.

“Yeah, you two were talking a lot at the party. I mean I figured since Kat was an escort, and you seemed so easy well hey you must be too. Well anyways, I’m going to a lunch with my father and he thinks I have a girlfriend. Think you could accompany me and play along? For a price of course.” He said while looking down at the bills he had previously laid before me.

“Well, well, I don’t have ha- any clothes like that.” I stuttered and looked at his suit.

“Serena, was it?” He said while brushing my hair behind my ear. “Were in California dear, I can get you any exquisite dress you please with the snap of a finger.”

I still had no idea what was going on, I vaguely remembered this guy from last night. I began getting brief flashbacks of the night, most of them involved JC being a douchebag and me dancing like a crazy person. Not to mention I had just learned one of my best friends was a prostitute – or an escort I guess, whatever the hell that was.

“You don’t have a boyfriend or anything do you?” he asked. I began thinking back to last night when I saw JC laying on top of that girl.

“No, I don’t.” I let out.

“Well then I don’t see a problem! You get some spare change, a beautiful dress and a free meal! What more could a girl want on a fake date.” He winked and his pearly white teeth glistened.

“Alright, I’ll do it. But just the lunch okay? And you can take that money back from…last night.” I gulped. “I don’t want to be seen as some sort of prostitute.”

“Keep it, buy an even nicer dress. But I have to run, be at Chanel by noon I will have something waiting for you. The lunch is at 2 so be sure to shower and do something with your hair. Thanks so much for this.” He leaned in and kissed me on cheek and walked out the door.

His kiss was sweet and hot but felt dirty. I picked up my phone and noticed I had a few texts, and the fact that it was almost 11AM. I had to get back home and let my mother know I was alive and then get to the Chanel store by 12, this was going to be a stretch. I lightly pushed my Messages tab and checked out what was going on.

[Kat] Hello? Mama did you just leave with Carter? Please say no!!

[Kat] Girl you are really messed up right now don’t let Carter talk you into anything!

[Kat]Okay well it’s the morning now and maybe if you could let me know Carter didn’t just drop you off into a sewer or something that would be great.

[JC] You left without saying goodbye last night, are you okay?

I rolled my eyes after reading JC’s text but decided to respond to Kat.

[Serena] Carter doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to drop a girl off in a sewer, but you’d know that wouldn’t you?

I tossed my phone into my bag and rolled my eyes once again. Obviously the only reason she didn’t want to me leave with him last night was because she knew he would probably reveal her escort secret. But honestly were best friends and I don’t judge her. I mean I’m doing it right now, but why wouldn’t she tell me?

*JC’s POV*

Kian slid some eggs onto my plate and laid some bacon beside them. The aroma from the breakfast filled my nostrils and made my mouth water.

“So, Serena hasn’t texted you back?” Kian asked.

“No she hasn’t. Maybe she’s still sleeping I don’t know. It’s weird that she just left last night and didn’t even say bye or anything.”

“What even happened last night dude?” He asked.

“JC was a douchebag apparently!” Sam said as he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“What?” I choked out some of my eggs.

“I don’t know man. Marissa said you were a douchebag last night to Serena, and she even said you were being annoying. It wasn’t your night buddy.” He said while rubbing my shoulder.

“What the fuck? Honestly I was just blazed and out of it maybe, but I definitely don’t remember being an ass. Plus, my cousin showed up and I wanted to introduce her to Serena but nope, she left before I could.”

“Girls suck.” Kian spat out.


*Serena’s POV*

I looked down at my watch and saw the time; 12:05. I pressed through the doors of the Chanel store and saw all of the beauty inside. Not only were the girls and guys working absolutely stunning, but so was the merchandise. I had a few things from Chanel like sunglasses, perfume and makeup but I had never been to the actual store to shop for clothes.

“Serena Evans?” A beautiful ebony skinned woman asked.


“This is for you.” She said while handing me an envelope with my name written on it in calligraphy.

“Thank you.” I said as she nodded and walked away.

I opened the note inside and read it.

‘Pick out any dress in the store and shoes to match. After you’re done go back to the lady that gave this to you and say you are ready. She will take you to the back room where Louise will do your hair and makeup. Then, meet me at Le Chien Rouge at 2. Thanks again Serena.

Ps: Welcome to the Escort Society.

Love, Carter.’

I shoved the note inside of my bag and smiled. My worries of JC and Kat suddenly washed away as I began touching the beautiful fabric of the dresses Chanel had to offer. After about 20 minutes I had found my dress. It was short and a beautiful crème color. The waist had a beautiful gold trim as well as the neckline and hemline. Right after that I had found my shoes, beautiful black ankle boots. I found the ebony girl and told her I was ready. She guided me into the back which had a beautiful glowing white vanity and a slim grey-haired woman – who I presumed was Louise – waiting for me.

Louise had done my hair in loose but delicate curls. The makeup she had done was flawless, my skin was glowing. It was quarter to 2 so I bid my thanks to Louise. She told me I should put my outfit on here to save time so I listened to her. The makeup and the outfit looked great together, and Louise offered me a pearl necklace for the finishing touch.

I walked outside the Chanel store and noticed a cute black limo. I furrowed my brows, was someone famous in there? I shook my head and kept walking when the driver got out of the car.

“Serena?” He asked.


“I will be taking you to Le Chien Rouge!” He smiled and opened the door. I climbed inside and slid myself onto the beautiful leather seats. I couldn’t believe what was going on. I felt like I was Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl or something.

“There is champagne and strawberries to tide you over.” The driver smiled.

I could get used to this.


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