V1 Prolouge : Rebel

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Part 1
<8 Years Ago>

A once pure white room.

Now tainted with splotches of red liquid, flowing down the walls.

In the middle of the room housed a massive red puddle.

And several young bodies of children the age of 7.

Amidst those bodies stood a young boy, copper hair swept to the side like curtains, pale brown eyes that seemed like the void glowed ominously.

His eyes emitted a dark aura, enveloping the entire room.

He wore an oversized white shirt, however, like the room, it was stained red.

The boy gazed at his upheld hand emptily, red specks danced in the air above his small palm.

'This is...' the boy thought.

But he was not allowed to finish his thought, as he soon fell unconscious.




In the infirmary, the copper haired boy laid on a hospital bed with tubes connected to bags hanging from a stand sticking into his arms.

"How unexpected. Your quirk manifested a few months earlier than planned." The man with the domineering presence said in a deep voice.

He turned to address the doctor sitting at his desk in the far corner of the room.

"How is he? Is the plan still going in the right direction?" The man said to the doctor.

The doctor lifted his head up from the paper on his desk.

"Yes, the plan is still intact. We simply have to perform the sealing earlier." The doctor said.

"Good, I'd like to get it done right now." The man said.

The doctor nodded and called for his assistants.

"Set up the pod, we're doing the sealing now!" The doctor bellowed.

Frantic men in white coats heaved metal trays and quickly set up the pod, a cocoon like machine.

The men fitted multiple thick tubes to their rightful slots and one started the pod. It purred softly as the screen at the front lit up and displayed different buttons.

"Get the subject in there!" The doctor barked.

While the men lifted the boy inside the pod, the doctor readied his control board and slid vials filled with a foreign substance into their respective compartments inside the pod.

Whatever it was, it was important.

Laying the boy inside, the door shut by itself. The doctor flicked switches frantically but orderly.

The pod lit up and shook violently.

The man grew anxious and said, "Are you sure this is working? If he dies, I'll kill you a hundred times over."

The doctor shivered at the thought but confidently replied, "It is working fine, just be patient."

The man said nothing and waited.

The pod stopped trembling and opened up. The boy laid inside, sleeping peacefully.

It was as though nothing had happened, save for the red mark engraved on his palm. The mark was circular with a bull's skull in the center.

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