V1 Chapter 7 : Kidnapper's Debt

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Part 1

I donned on a black hoodie, black sweatpants, black latex gloves and a pair of running shoes, and wore a black face mask before exiting the house from the backdoor once everyone in the house was asleep.

I jogged towards an open field not far from the neighborhood and simply sat on the grass in wait. And I didn't need to wait long, as, as soon as I sat down, the area surrounding me exploded, forming a circle of dirt around me with a radius of 5 meters.

A soft laughter resonated as I swiveled my head to find the source—a middle-aged man in a typical dark suit over a starch white shirt. He wore a mask that covered half of his face and had a small smile on his lips. His eyes were closed to a slit, no doubt observing me, taking in everything there is to take in about me.

"Now, who may you be?" I asked.

Another laughter, "Why, there's no need for you to know...Since you'll be coming back home soon enough."

"If that's the case...It's time for you to die." I launched myself at him, fists raised in a way that only showed that I wanted to use only fists to fight.

"You want settle this with your fists only? How low you've fallen, masterpiece!" The man taunted as he reached out his hands, his finger were turned into gun muzzles that fired at me.

I created a sheet of blood in front me, blocking the bullets, the spent casings dropped to the grass. I closed the distance and threw my fist at his jaw, he ducked the blow with a grin.

"Oh my, your father will be disappointed in how much you've dulled!"

I swung my other fist at his front, but he backed slightly to evade.

"You're naive, whoever you are." A dagger instantly formed in my hand and cut the man's chest.

The man grunted and backed away with a hand pressing on his wound, his hand covered in fresh dark red blood.

"Bring him out!" He yelled and several other men in black came out from behind the trees. One of them dragged a boy beside the man I'd wounded.

The boy had his wrists tied behind his back and a bag over his head. His shirt was torn in many parts and was stained with blood.

"Who the hell are you guys?! Let me go!" A voice I recognized as Corey's shouted.

"What do you say, masterpiece? Turn yourself in to us and we'll let this innocent man live." The man said with a grin, still with a hand on his wound, which was slowly healing.

I shrugged. "Why should I?"

"Ayanokouji? Is that you? Help me! Help m—!"

"Shut up," the masked man said as he sent a blow at Corey's gut, Corey bent forward with a loud gasp. The man elbowed the back of Corey's head, knocking him out cold.

The masked man turned his attention back to me and said, "To answer you—Why not? You are attending UA as a aspiring hero, are you not? Isn't saving people what heroes do?"

"There's no need to turn myself in when I can forcibly take him back." I took one step forward and the men in black formed a barrier between me and the masked man, who's now grinning widely at me. "Besides, you know full well that I don't give a shit about being a hero."

"That is right. Not only that, we know full well how capable you are but, you see? I can kill this innocent man whenever I want." He pointed his muzzle-finger at Corey's throat. "And you will forever have an innocent bystander's—a boy you dragged into your mess—blood on your hands. But then again, what's one more person's blood on your hands going to do? Right?"

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