V2 Chapter 1 : Sports Festival

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Part 1

Five days have passed since the U.S.J. Incident. The school was temporarily closed for two days after the incident, and after that was weekend break.

Today, Monday, is the first day of school since the incident. And today, our home room teacher, wrapped in bandages like a mummy, Aizawa Shota announced that in two week's time, UA's famous Sports festival will take place.

"A sport festival...!"

"I keep forgetting that this is an actual school..."

Naturally, my classmates would be pretty gung-ho about this.

"Wait! Hold up! That sounds like something villains would want to infiltrate, isn't it? It is really alright?!" asked one of my classmates, silencing the classroom.

Of course, they would be worried about something trivial like that. They did just experience for themselves first hand how scary encountering real villains can be.

Or at least, in their eyes the villains were scary.

But Aizawa-sensei waved away their worries. "On the contrary: Since we're going ahead with the festival, it means that the school is confident it has all its ducks in a row when it comes to crisis control now.

"I hear that police presence will be five times normal, for example. What you should be thinking about is...what a huge chance the academy's sports festival presents you all."

You'd get the opportunity to evaluate the other students' abilities while challenging yourself. I'd say it's the perfect chance for an aspiring hero to expand his influence by performing well during the festival.

"This isn't an event that will be brought to a halt by the likes of some villains."

By not canceling the festival, the school shows to the oblivious public their confidence in subduing the villains should they decide to attack UA again. This will increase the public's faith and favor towards the school and towards heroes as a whole.

I doubt that they will be making a move so fast, though. Not after their failure five days ago at the U.S.J.

But even after sensei's reassurance, Mineta still didn't seem to let go of his fear of villains, saying that it'd be great if they do halt the event if anything were to happen. Then he mumbled something that prompted Midoriya to spin around in his chair and ask, "Mineta...have you never seen the UA sports festival?"

"Of course I have! That's not it at all—"

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events! In days past, the Olympics was the sports festivity that whipped all the nation into a froth of enthusiasm. But now as you know, it's extent and population have shrunk and it's lost a lot of substance," explained Aizawa-sensei. "So what has taken the place of the Olympics in Japan is UA's sports festival. It's an important even that all citizens of Japan look forward to each year. It's not so simple to cancel such an event just because of a few villains."

If they'd canceled such an event, it'd be the same as announcing to everyone that they were not confident in keeping the students and audiences safe, which would also cause the public's opinion of UA and heroes to plummet altogether. All the while encouraging villains to make their move.

For heroes to do their job, they need the public to always favor them. Even if they were supposed to save people, they can't exactly do a job that doesn't pay. Heroes still need to earn money in order to put food on the table. They're still human.

"The country's top heroes are sure to be watching us," said Yaoyorozu. "It's because they'll be scouting for us."

I suppose they'll be evaluating our abilities and taking some of us under their wing to train in the future.

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