V3 Chapter 4 : Evil Strikes

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"So this is Hosu... Livelier than I thought," said Shigaraki as he exited from Kurogiri's warp portal.

The Hero Killer ignored him. "I will reform this town. But for that...more sacrifices are needed."

"The necessary task that you mentioned earlier, perhaps..." Kurogiri stepped out of his portal.

"Now you're someone I can actually get through to," the Hero Killer glanced at him.

"Always picking on me, man..." Shigaraki grumbled lowly.

Then he faced the city. From their vantage point on a water tank on the top of a tall building, they overlooked the city and streets. The Hero Killer spread his arms and took in the view like a ruler.

"'Hero' is a title reserved for those who perform truly great feats! There are too many undeserving...just money worshippers playing hero... Until this society wakes up and corrects itself..." he jumped from the tank whilst unsheathing his blade and disappeared into the maze of alleys of Hosu. "I will continue my work."

A short bout of silence took place before Shigaraki turned to Kurogiri and spoke in an irritated tone.

"All that high and mighty talk, but he's not even past the small potatoes stage," Shigaraki said, his hand traveling up to scratch his neck subconsciously. "It's almost precious how hard he's trying."

Though Kurogiri agreed with his sentiment, he said, "You shouldn't criticize him too much..."

Shigaraki looked at him in confusion.

"Actually, the cities he's appeared in have all seen across the board drops in the rate of crime. Some theorize that it's tied to an increase in hero awareness," Kurogiri explained.

"Well, that's great! So much for putting a stop to heroism! Hero Killer? More like Hero Breeder! At least indirectly!" Shigaraki scoffed. That piece of shit...We're too different deep down. Fucking pisses me off, he thought. "Kurogiri, bring out the nomu."

Without a word, Kurogiri began to warp space again as Shigaraki continued to speak.

"As if I'd let him get away with stabbing me like that. If he wants to go on a rampage, we'll let him... Ha ha," he laughed to himself. "Which of us can cause more destruction? Let's see."

Behind him, a huge portal opened up, and several nomus appeared from within the dark fog.

"I'll crush your pride and dignity... Stain!"


"Is it okay that we're getting in at night?" Midoriya asked Gran Torino.

They were currently on the bullet train heading towards Shibuya, which would pass by Hosu.

"Night's perfect! There's sure to be more incidents now. It'll be fun."

"I don't know about fun, but I hear you..." Midoriya said. Then he whipped out his phone and began scrolling in his contacts list.

"On your phone again?! I swear, kids these days!" Gran Torino shook his head.

Midoriya didn't hear him, though, he was too worried. He had sent a message to Iida earlier, before they boarded the train, but the message was left on read. It would be fine if it was anyone else, but Iida had always replied to messages within three minutes of reading one, so it was pretty clear to Midoriya that something wasn't right.

As the train glided down its tracks, Midoriya worriedly looked out the window, wondering when he'd be able to meet Iida again. As well as if his friend is okay. Time flew peacefully. Then a muffled sound of an explosion reached their ears and the train skidded to a staggering halt. Midoriya was propelled forward and hit his head against the seat in front as an announcement rang through speakers hidden from view.

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