V2 Chapter 3 : Chaotic Party

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^What Thanatos looks like in my head. Though he wears a purple mask that only covers his upper face and uses blades instead of guns. Art not mine obviously.

Part 1

The information I received days ago told me that apart from Aria, the most prized target, the Minister of Foreign Affairs' two sons and the Minister of Finance's son, none of the targets possessed a quirk somewhat useful for combat.

The first's quirk is called Murder. It allows her to find the quickest and most efficient way to kill someone. Her character, though, places a limit on her power, thanks to her hobby of sadistically torturing her victims. Which means it's a guaranteed win once she's convinced I have lost; she'll begin to torture me, and that will be her undoing.

...Then, again, I'll win even if I didn't bait her like that.

The only problem is that Thanatos will surely fight for her head, thus getting my way.

But it's no matter, he's not that tough an opponent anyways.

As for the Minister's first son, his quirk is called Cyclone, which allows him to harness the air and wind to create tornados of various sizes. He had a reputation of threatening those who are below him with his quirk and apparently had a decent amount of experience in mortal combat.

The second son, however, possess a similar quirk to Todoroki. It is called Freezeburn. He can create flames that freeze and ice that burns. He has the same amount of experience as his brother.

The Minister of Finance's son has a quirk called Aegis, which allows him to break of a limb to fuse with another to create a sword. Out of the 4 of them, he has the second most fighting experience despite being the least wanted target.

The most efficient route to getting the most money in this job is to go for the most prized but weakest targets--the two ministers. They have been sheltered their whole life, therefore they have no stamina or fight experience in any way.

As for the wife, well, she is the same but even worse. She'll most likely be one of the last target to be killed thanks to all the chaos preventing either me or Thanatos to kill her before dealing with the aforementioned 4.

"They're coming~" Thanatos murmured, snapping me out of my thoughts.

The targets, surrounded by a horde of politicians, prestigious people etcetera etcetera, was heading our way. The Prime Minister was shaking hands with the other guests with a smile on his face while his secretary followed in kind, too smiling at the guests.

"We better get this done quickly before any heroes arrives," I stated.

Thanatos nodded in agreement. It's one thing if normal heroes get dispatched here when chaos erupts, but it's a whole other thing if All Might comes as well.

"Why, you worried?" Thanatos asked sarcastically.

I shook my head lightly, finishing the rest of my wine.

"Just don't want to fight unnecessary fights," I said. "I'd rather finish this fast and avoid fighting All Might or Endeavor......And fighting in front of so many people here is troubling, my quirk doesn't change like my identity in each setting, you know."

If I want to be 100% sure that people won't connect the dots to X's identity and the boy named Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's, I'll have to fight without using blatant moves with my quirk. Instead, I have to use less obvious tactics while fighting hand-to-hand with my targets, which doesn't pose much problem but is less efficient.

Thanatos took a last bite of desert and flexed his arms a little, saying, "Let's see who wins this little race......Shall we?!"

Immediately, a blade without a handle sliced through the air and embedded itself in the Minister of Finance's left shoulder, slightly above where the heart is located. A resounding scream shook the hearts of the guests present.

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