SS1 - Iida Tenya: The Wrong Path

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The door slammed open, the noise reverberated throughout the hospital room. The hinges trembled with the pressure placed upon them as a man in formal clothing stood in the doorway.

"Tenya, keep it down..." A woman stood behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, attempting to calm him down.

Horror rippled through Iida Tenya's face when he saw the man laying in the hospital bed, IVs and wires connected to monitors all over his body.

A doctor wearing blue scrubs and a face mask said evenly:

"The anesthesia just wore off. He opened his eyes, but he's still out of it."

Then he continued, "Had the surgery been delayed by two minutes, it would've been too late."

Just then, the patient roused, and, with great effort, said, "Tenya... Mother..."

Iida, unable to control himself any longer, shook off his mother's comforting hand, knocking her back, and rushed to his brother's side. Tears welled in his bloodshot eyes.

"My... Amazing little brother... I know... you... look up to me... so... I'm sorry... Tenya... Your big brother... I... Lost..."

He bent over his brother in agony, his stifle cries filled the room.

No! Iida thought. Don't be sorry! You did nothing wrong...!

The feeling of unforgiving rage rose as he cried, hatred began to surface in the depths of his heart. 

I... I swear...

I'll kill whoever did this to you, brother!

I'll avenge you, brother!

Just wait!

Iida began to sink deeper into the void, his emotion driving him to the opposite direction of his dream.

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