SS2 - Todoroki Shoto: The First Step

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I dressed in casual clothing, and made for the door, resolved to make amendments with her.

"Shoto?" Fuyumi called out. "Where are you going?"

"The hospital," I replied, putting on my shoes.

"Huh? The h-hospital? Why so sudden?" She asked with concern in her voice. "I mean, can you really go without telling father, Shoto?"


As I made my way toward the gates, Fuyumi asked:

"Why now? Why go see her now, after all this time?"

Why...? Good question. I suppose I felt it was necessary if I wanted to be free. I needed to make things right, starting with mom. It's the only way I can begin.

Sometimes I look at him and hate what I see. The image of that night flashed in my mind.

I stayed silent and left without answering Fuyumi.

My very existence drove her away. That's why I never went to her. I didn't want to hurt her again. I... I didn't want to see the disgust in her face when she saw me. All because I resembled father on my right side...

"Excuse me, I'd like to visit this patient..." I told the nurse at the counter, who stared at me in surprise.

"It's the winner of the sports festival! Endeavor's son!" She exclaimed.

Just hearing the term Endeavor's son made my blood boil, but I suppressed the anger and hatred, and instead feigned ignorance, asking for my mother's room number again.

"Ah! Yes, yes, this is her room," she pointed in the direction of the elevator. "You can use that to get up to that floor."

"Thank you," I replied curtly and went on my way. The weight of my current feelings made my legs heavy, and I felt the urge to turn around and go back home. But I swallowed those feelings and moved on with renewed resolve.

I finally reached her door, and stood there for a good few minutes. My hands trembled, nervousness swirled in my stomach. The place suddenly became humid and dry, perspiration formed on my forehead and neck, trickling down.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. I repeated that a few times and controlled my breathing. I felt my heart calm down, and suddenly, it was as if I was just walking into class like normal, calm, collected, and a little detached.

My mother's been my, and father's prisoner this whole time. So I, with all I've got... With my whole spirit... I'll say 'I want to be a hero' again. I'll tell her that.

I finally found my strength and with great resolve, toggled the handle. I heard the soft click of the door and gently pushed the door open.

It was a small room. A simple corner for a sink, a small cupboard and a few drawers. A simple table in another corner near the window, and next to that, with a small space between them, a simple bed with a blanket and pillow. At the head sat a woman with pure white hair.

She was looking out the window. A solemn atmosphere hung in the room, reflecting the loneliness she felt.

"Mom," I called out. I could already feel the pent-up emotion start to rise, and struggled to keep a straight face when the woman, whom I call mom, turned to look at me in surprise.

Even if she's not asking for it. I'll save her. That's my starting line.

"Mom, I..."

Okay, nevermind, I ain't doing this anymore. I can't stand writing such short chapters. 

We'll skip the rest of the short stories, which are basically the last parts of the MHA manga chapter 44, and go straight to volume 3, aka the Hero Killer arc, I think. 

I'll need some time to plan, so, break for two weeks minimum! I don't care what y'all say, I don't have ideas right now.

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