V1 Chapter 6 : Two Rivals, One Kidnapped Friend

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Part 1

"Ah, Deku! Cool costume, it looks very practical!" Uraraka said, donned in her own hero costume that is pink, white and black in color.

"Uraraka...whoa...!" Midoriya said with a hand over his mouth piece. Even under the shadows I could see he was beet red.

"I wish I'd drawn my request sketch a bit better. It came out quite puffy, it's pretty embarrassing..." she said.

Certainly, those things around her waist and wrist are unnecessary weight. They'll slow down her movements even if only a bit. But her boots are definitely not practical, it's unnecessarily thick, also adding more useless weight on her body. Although her quirk can invalidate them, it has been proven in the entrance exam that she kind handle using her quirk for long periods of time. But eh, whatever.

I only need to worry about what others will say to me when they finally notice me.

"Ayanokoji-kun! Why are you wearing our school's P.E. uniform? What about your hero costume?" Uraraka approached me as Mineta and Midoriya had small talk.

...Speak of the devil...

How should I answer her?

...I think that would work.

"I hadn't decided on a design to submit to the school, so I'm wearing this for now."

Uraraka gave me a look of understanding, "Ah! I see! I look forward to seeing your hero costume some day!"


"Sensei! Regarding the performance ground we'll be using, is it the mock-city from the entrance exam?" Iida asked inside of his robot like costume.

"You'll see—in fact, take two steps and you'll be there! This will be an indoor battle trial." All Might said.

Murmurs were heard from my classmates.

"Eh? Why indoors?" Someone asked.

"I wonder...Does any of you know the answer?!" All Might asked, to which only two person raised their hands—me and Yaoyorozu Momo.

Without waiting for permission to speak, I laid out my explanation for all to hear, "Villain cleanup is usually seen and done out in the open for everyone to see. But actually, most acts of villainy are committed indoors such as the black market, bribing, villain association alliances, assassinations, murder and many others. Basically, any villain with intelligence commits crimes away from prying eyes and make sure no traces are left behind so they don't get caught by heroes. Villains you see commuting acts of robbery or tyranny in public are the dummer kinds of villains."

"Once again, young Ayanokoji is right! And that's why, in this test, you'll be separated into 'Villain' and 'Hero' groups for a two on two team battle!" All Might said and I didn't miss a glare from a certain someone who wanted to answer the question too.

A girl with long dark green hair asked, "What about the foundational training?"

"This is the foundational training, only this time, there won't be any robots it'd be okay to just destroy!" All Might answered.

After that, several people asked several questions at the same time. But thanks to my trained ears, I could make out 5 persons' queries.

Yaoyorozu asked how we determine who loses and who wins. Bakugou asked if we could just blow the opponent teams away. Uraraka asked if there was the same threat of expulsion that Aizawa-Sensei imposed on us yesterday and Iida asked about the way to separate us into different groups. And I also heard an unnecessary query from Aoyama—"Doesn't this cape look killer on me?"

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