Give him his candy

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It was a rather slow day at work for Stephen,he was hungry,tired,and sore (He's sore because of being laid on,David laid on him) So here he was now on his way to his dressing room but was stopped by a very annoying person that was a little bit taller than him(and older).

"Hello short stuff"of all the day's,Stephen thought"What do you want?and you are not all that taller than me"Stephen grumbled,David laughed"Oh yeah Dec's the shortest one"He laughed pissing Stephen off "David"Stephen said gritting his teeth ready to hit the taller man"Stephen"David mimicked

"Will you stop"Stephen said angrily,he was not in the mood all he wanted was the stupid candy bar that he put in his desk,but no David just has to bother him like always.

"I would but i am bored"David complained like a toddler,Stephen rolled his eyes"Then go be bored somewhere else i am not in the mode"Stephen tried to make him go away but he wouldn't. 

"Now why would i do that i like hanging out with you"David remarked smiling very big.Stephen honestly is about to quit"You don't like me"Stephen shot back and David's smile slowly faded but rebuilt it"Now now you are my friend and i do like you"Sure he did that's why he took his show and made him break a bone.

"Then why do you taunt me all the time and I don't know why you keep hurting me"Stephen said trying to get past but David wouldn't let him"Okay i am sorry"

"Sorry for what"He asked David "For hurting you and being rude"that totally shocked Stephen "w-what"He asked making sure he actually heard him"I am sorry,did you hear that"Well that's something Stephen though.

"Okay look i am tired and hungry okay so how about we do something later"David nodded but unsure"Are you just saying that you can go or do you really mean that"David asked "Yeah i mean it friends right?"Stephen questioned "Yeah,so your not gonna ditch me?"He asked again

"Yes i promise,we can hang out you have my word"Stephen promised even though he might regret it"Okay see you later then"David said walking fast down the hall.Weird,Stephen though but didn't think to hard on it.

Stephen strode to his dressing room without getting stopped by anyone,he opened his door to walk in but stopped when he noticed a very large smiley face sticker on his computer"David i will kill you"Stephen muttered walking into the room.He knew the sticker was from David because he always put them on his stuff,hell he even put them on his car as a joke.

So David was in his dressing room and most likely took something or messed with something he should have not have.He looked over everything but nothing looked out of the ordinary,of course he could just be paranoid and David didn't do anything.

Stephen sat down in his chair and pulled open the cabinet,he now knew why David practically ran down the hall.

"I will not be hanging out with him"Stephen said slamming the cabinet shut   

This one was short,but there will be a longer one tomorrow or tonight.

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