Duke of Flappington vs Sid Swashbuckle | Pirate Captain against Royal Pilot

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(split scene opens to Sid Swashbuckle's ship and the duke of Flappington's eagle jet both heading toward Barkingburg)

(scene expands to Sid's ship)

Sid: (to Arrby) Ahoy! Arrby we're setting course toward Barkingburg!

Arrby: Oh boy! We'll get to see Sweetie again!

Sid: Easy buddy! Nothing personal but I'd rather not have the same problem like last time!

(scene switches to Duke of Flappington's eagle jet landing with Sparks and Claw nearby)

Duke of Flappington: Claw! Today is the day we take over Barkingburg!

Claw: Soon I shall be a knight again!

Duke of Flappington: Indeed!

Female voice: Yeah right!

Duke of Flappington: (shouts) Who said that!

Female voice: Oops!

(Mirage runs out of the bushes)

Claw: (throws Sparks a marshmallow) (shouts) Sparks put your foot on her!

Sparks: (eats marshmallow) (puts his foot on Mirage)

Mirage: Oof! (annoyed) Hey?!

Claw: I see we caught a spying genie pup!

Mirage: I was already here!

Duke of Flappington: Who cares, if I know you, you'll just alert my cousin of our presence!

Mirage: (mouth close) (Ryder's voice) Okay Duke and Claw release Mirage you're surrounded!

Claw: (panicked) The Rescue Knights found us!

Mirage: (pushes Sparks off her before making a run for it) (shouts) Ha! Fell for my voice trick!

Duke of Flappington: (annoyed) That genie pup tricked us!

Claw: I have to admit she sounded just like Ryder and didn't even move her mouth!

Duke of Flappington: Agreed that was kinda impressive!

(scene switches to the Mission Paw Cruiser parks outside the castle where the princess walks out)

Princess of Barkingburg: (excited) Oh goodie the Paw Patrol have arrived!

(Paw Patrol exits the Mission Paw Cruiser with on extra member who is Everest)

Everest: (excited) Thanks for letting me come Ryder!

Ryder: (chuckles) No problem Everest!

Princess of Barkingburg: Indeed you're welcomed in Barkingburg!

Sweetie: (walks forward) Oh great another Paw Patrol pup!

Mirage's voice: (shouts) Coming through! (runs past accidentally knocking Everest and Sweetie in the moat)

Princess of Barkingburg: Sweetie!

Sweetie: (spits out a fish) Yuck! What was that?

(Chase and Ryder pull Sweetie out of the moat)

Everest: It was Mirage!

Sweetie: Mirage? Something must be up since she usually says hi!

Ryder: You could be right about that Sweetie!

Chase: (sniffs Mirage's footprints) Ryder! Mirage recently came into close contact with a dragon!

Pups: Dragon!

Everest: (confused) Dragon huh?

Princess of Barkingburg: (explains about the dragons)

Everest: (surprised) Oh!

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