Paw Patrol vs Robo-Dog (LazyTown) | Pups against a Rotten Robo-Dog

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(scene opens to outside Adventure Bay where a familiar Robo-Dog from LazyTown emerges from a rift that opens without warning)

Robo-Dog: (barking heads toward Adventure Bay)

(Mason and Hydro walk past noticing the rift)

Mason: (surprised) Where'd that rift come from?

Hydro: (shrugs) No idea!

Mason: (makes sure nobody's around) I'll just close it! (snaps his fingers and the rift instantly closes) There we go! At least nothing slipped through!

Hydro: (sniffs the ground) Mason, I wouldn't be so sure!

Mason: (concerned) Oh boy, something came through didn't it?

Hydro: (nods) (sniffs) It smells like a mixture of metal and fake fur!

Mason: Hm? We should speak with Oracle about what came through! (pulls out phone and makes a call) Oracle?

Oracle's voice: Something up dad?

Mason: We found a rift outside Adventure Bay, I closed it but Hydro let me know he caught the scent of something coming out of it!

Oracle's voice: I'll check to see if the family will keep those rifts closed and what came out!

Mason: Thanks sweetie!

(several minutes later)

Oracle's voice: Dad, I checked it out!

Mason: So what's on the loose, Canyon crawler? (chuckles)

Oracle's voice: (giggles) Nope, just Robo-Dog!

Mason: (confused) Ryder's Robo-Dog is on the loose, again?

Oracle's voice: Dad, you know of a different Robo-Dog with fake fur and metal!

Mason: (facepalms) (realizes) The one from LazyTown that Robbie Rotten made!

Oracle's voice: Yep!

Mason: Oh boy, hopefully nobody says the word trouble with that robot pooch around!

Oracle's voice: Should I send Mirage and her mom to help?

Mason: I think I'll let the girls enjoy some peace and quiet, besides I've already got a good buddy with me! Right Hydro?

Hydro: (smiles and nods) I'd be happy to help Mason!

Oracle's voice: Okay dad, see you later! Bye!

Mason: Thanks Oracle! See you later!

(both hang up)

Hydro: Ready to track him, Mason?

Mason: I just need my own good sniffer to help increase the search, buddy! (pulls out several creature power discs) Hm? Which should I go with? (holding a sloth bear disc) Sloth bear?

Hydro: They're built for muscle!

Mason: (chuckles) True! Maybe later!

Hydro: (chuckles) Yeah! Could prove very good against that Robo-Dog!

Mason: (smiles and nods) (now holding a walrus disc) Walrus power? Nope, not the right habitat! (holding a tasmanian devil disc) Tasmanian devil powers, maybe? (now holding a red fox disc) Ooh! Now this is a good one!

Hydro: Red fox? (smiles) Quite a good choice Mason!

Mason: Thanks Hydro! Now we've got a rotten robo-dog to track down!

Hydro: Wait, why don't we fly?

Mason: I thought tracking with out noses would be a better challenge?

Hydro: Hm? Understandable!

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