Princess of Barkingburg & Katie | Naughty Girl Genies in Barkingburg

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where Katie and the Princess of Barkingburg are having fun with their genie pups they were giving in Zahramay Falls along with a genie pup blessing boost they got from Mirage)

Kaite: It was nice of Mirage to give us a boost!

Princess of Barkingburg: At least for a while!

Skye: (floats past) Sure is nice being an honorary genie!

Everest: (floats past) Yep!

Katie: It is fun!

Princess of Barkingburg: Plus with everyone here, why don't we have a little fun?

Skye: I'd rather not get carried away again! Plus Everest and I don't have the same powers as you since Mirage took off that blessing!

Katie: We understand guys!

Everest: I'd rather do a little sightseeing with Marshall!

Skye: I'll tag along, if that's okay?

(scene changes to Everest, Marshall, and Skye leaving in their normal attire)

Marshall: No genie powers, girls?

Skye: Mirage helps put out powers into our bottles all we have to do to get them back is rub them!

Everest: Yep! We're both normal pups now thanks to Mirage's assistance!

Marshall: Why did you wanna leave?

Everest: Let's just say the girls are just gonna do a similar stunt to what we did!

Game Face: (leaps out in front of them) Found you again!

Skye and Everest: (gasps) Game Face!

Marshall: You know him?

Skye: I thought you left?

Game Face: I did, but now I'm back up to bat!

Mirage's voice: Oh no you're not!

(the group looks behind Game Face to find Mirage with Mason)

Mason: Time for you to get a strike!

Game Face: Never!

Mirage: (claps her paws opening a portal under Game Face) Bye bye!

Game Face: (notices) Uh oh! (falls through) (screams) I'm outta the park!

(portal closes)

Mirage: I sent him back where he came from, so everything should be alright!

Marshal: Thanks Mirage!

Everest and Skye: Yeah, thank you!

(scene changes to the castle where the princess of Barkingburg and Katie show off their powers on the drawbridge)

Katie: Ryder, I feel faint! (starts melting into a pink and yellow puddle)

Ryder and Pups: (gasps) Oh no!

Princess of Barkingburg: (pretend to collapse) Me too! (melts into a gray and white puddle)

Others: (gasps) Oh no!

(both puddles go into the moat)

Ryder: Oh no! They've melted into the moat! I'd better get Mason's help!

Sound: (splashing)

Sweetie: (walks over) Did anything of interest happen?

Rubble: (tearful) The princess and Katie just melted into puddles that went into the moat)

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