~Out for a day ~

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We arrived at the pizza parlour and after parking the cars we went inside. "Ok let's find a seat" Noah said.
"Corner one!! " me and Ares both speak at same time. The three of them laughed. I looked away and Ares scratch the back of his head. "Its just away from eyes of people watching in middle. " Ares stated everyone agreed and sat on a corner table.

Just then the waitress came and take our order. She was literally flirting with the boys. As soon as she went cliff whispered to me "hey Athena "
I hummed " the boy at the side table is staring at you". I looked sideways and found a guy staring he looked away as soon as I looked at him.  I was sitting between jen and Ares ,cliff and noah in front of us. "Its nothing new" jen told like it's our daily routine.  I hummed.
"Hey he is coming here" noah whispered. 
"Hey " a boy came toward me I looked sideways only to find him standing by my side. I didn't replied. 
"Hey what's your name?" He asked looking at me. Her name is Athena jen told him. "Oh can I get your number?" He asked with shining eyes. I looked up at him emotionless. "Sorry already have a boyfriend he is sitting just beside me". Ares choked on air and cliff and Noah's eyes are about to pop out. By the fact how clearly I lie . " oh sorry to say that please ignore it and you both look amazing together." He said hurted. "Thanks" I said and he went back. I looked up at  Ares and said "Sorry dont take it seriously. I just said that to avoid any embarrassing situations  I dont want to give my number to him". "Its ok I know that " Ares said and smiled .

"But its quite impressive how easily you lied" cliff said . Noah hummed .
"Oh its like our everyday event" jen said rolling her eyes. Like it's nothing.
They all laughed and I smiled.  Just then our order came. I ate with total silence while others were laughing and chatting like dorks. "Why are you so quite" Cliff asked me .
"I-" "She dont like to waste her word " Ares said before I say something.  I shot him a glare and he gulped.  "Thanks for telling " I said.  All other giggles.  " still you should speak your heart out" noah said. "I dont like to share my everything with everyone" I stated showing less interest. "Ohhh" cliff said .
"I want to go to restroom excuse me ."
I left saying that.
"Dont take that on heart guys. She is just like that naturally she is a bit straightforward dont mind her word she is not actually bad" jennie said slightly upset.
"Its ok we can understand, right Ares " said cliff.
"Yeah that's totally fine she is an introvert I guess." said Ares smiling a bit. After finishing we paid for our respective orders and went outside.

"Thanks guys for inviting us today we surely had a lot of fun" jennie smiled "Thanks" I stated too.
"Oh we enjoyed your company too" cliff said.
"Yeah it was amazing now I think not all girls are slutty" Noah said laughing a bit.  Jen laughed. "Ok bye " I said and dragged jen.
" it was fun with these guys" jennie said adjusting seatbelt I hummed.
I dropped her home and went to home after having dinner I laid back and after my daily schedule of reading I slept..

Am I falling ?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें